14 Mitsubishi Communication Driver ManualModel Annunciator Device Special Relay Device Timer (Contact) DeviceA73 F0000-F0255 M9008-M9247 TS0000-TS0255A2A F000000-F002047 M009000-M009255 TS000000-TS002047A2A (S1) F000000-F002047 M009000-M009255 TS000000-TS002047A3A F000000-F002047 M009000-M009255 TS000000-TS002047Note: Special relay devices are read only.Special relay devices M9000-M9007 and M9248-M9255 cannot be read directly by the OperatorStation for the models shown. However, ladder logic could be written to set and clear readabledevices, such as link relay devices based on the status of these specific bits. The Operator Stationcould then reference the readable devices.Model Timer (Coil) Device Counter (Contact) Device Contact (Coil) DeviceA0J2H TC00000-TC0255 CS0000-CS0255 CC0000-CC0255A1 TC00000-TC0255 CS0000-CS0255 CC0000-CC0255A1N TC00000-TC0255 CS0000-CS0255 CC0000-CC0255A1S TC00000-TC0255 CS0000-CS0255 CC0000-CC0255A2 TC00000-TC0255 CS0000-CS0255 CC0000-CC0255A2N TC00000-TC0255 CS0000-CS0255 CC0000-CC0255A3 TC00000-TC0255 CS0000-CS0255 CC0000-CC0255A3N TC00000-TC0255 CS0000-CS0255 CC0000-CC0255A3H TC00000-TC0255 CS0000-CS0255 CC0000-CC0255A3M TC00000-TC0255 CS0000-CS0255 CC0000-CC0255A73 TC00000-TC0255 CS0000-CS0255 CC0000-CC0255A2A TC000000-TC002047 CS000000-CS001023 CC000000-CC001023A2A (S1) TC000000-TC002047 CS000000-CS001023 CC000000-CC001023A3A TC000000-TC002047 CS000000-CS001023 CC000000-CC001023