Chapter 5: Word and Bit References 37The following is the format for referencing a single bit in a word device.[plcname, MMXXXX/BB]plcname Optional PLC name found in the PLC Name Table. If left blank, thedefault name is used., Optional PLC name delimiter.MM The word device memory type (e.g., D, W, CN).XXXX The element number; maximum of 4 characters; leading zeroes areallowed./ Bit delimiter character.BB Bit number in the range 00-15; leading zeroes is allowed.Note: Single bit references in a word are read only.The following is the format for referencing bits in a bit device, as a 16-bit word.[plcname, W:MMXXXX]plcname Optional PLC name found in the PLC Name Table. If left blank, thedefault name is used., Optional PLC name delimiter.W Letter designating a 16-bit word.: 16-bit delimiter character.MM The bit device memory type (e.g. X, Y, TC, etc.)XXXX The starting bit number; must be a multiple of 16 (e.g., 0, 16, 32, 48,etc. for decimal addressing and 0, 20, 40, 60, etc. for octaladdressing).The following is the format for referencing a single bit in a bit device.[plcname, MMXXXX]plcname Optional PLC name found in the PLC Name Table. If left blank, thedefault name is used., Optional PLC name delimiter.MM The bit device memory type (e.g., X, Y, TC, etc.)XXXX The bit number; maximum of 4 characters; leading zeroes areallowed.The supported Mitsubishi PLC models will allow a maximum of 32 contiguous words per read. Themaximum number of unused words before another read is generated is 15 for Mitsubishi A SeriesPLCs and 31 for the Mitsubishi FX and FXo Series PLCs.