77 Amended: Sept 21Site Installer – Upload FirmwareThe display software can now be updated using the later version Site Installer program (version2.5.26 or higher).Fig 69Click on ‘Commission’ ‘Upload Firmware and when the dialog box opens choose the required S32 fileand click ’Open’.The process is completely automatic – site installer deletes the old display and the sends the new file.NOTE This will take up to 5 mins so please ensure during the transfer the laptop does NOT gointo hibernate mode otherwise the display will become unrecoverable.Following the transfer, the panel will run through a complete watchdog reset. At this point there mayhave been some changes to the existing settings within the menu structure such as applying orremoving delays etc, so in all cases an ‘Erase CDR’ must be carried out after upgrade.To achieve this remove the loop cables or loop cards (taking the appropriate precautions) and thenchoose ‘Erase CDR’. If the panel tries to do an Autolearn because of an empty or corrupt CDR at thispoint, no serious damage will occur because the loops are not connected.Simply reconnect or refit the loop cards (taking the appropriate precautions) and upload the programback to the panel.To carry out an upgrade on the CF2000 a recent download MUST be taken and saved before sendingfirmware. The Site installer function ‘Erase CDR’ is not functional on the CF2000.Click on ‘Commission’ ‘Upload Firmware’ choose the CF2000 S32 file and click ‘Open’. Wait until theprocess has finished in the same manner as the above paragraphs, once complete reload the savedSite Installer file.