14Instruction Leaflet I. L. 29-885DEffective August 2011Instructions for Digitrip RMS 510 Trip UnitEATON CORPORATION www.eaton.comotee:N The "Trip Reset" button may be pushed down at any time However,should a test already be in progress, the test would be aborted4.4.3 Tripping the BreakerWARNINGCIRCUIT BREAKER OPERATING MECHANISMS OPEN AND CLOSE THE MOVINGPARTS VERY FAST, AND WITH VERY HIGH ENERGY. TOUCHING THE MOVING PARTSDURING TEST OPERATIONS CAN CAUSE INJURY. KEEP CLOTHING, HANDS, FEET,AND OTHER PARTS OF YOUR BODY WELL AWAY FROM ALL MOVING PARTS DURINGTESTING. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN FOR TESTING YOUR SPECIFIC TYPEOF CIRCUIT BREAKER, FOUND IN THE APPROPRIATE INSTRUCTION LEAFLET LISTEDIN SECTION 5.1 Make sure that the circuit breaker is carrying no current (seeCAUTION notes under Section 4 1)otee:N In the event it is decided to perform a "Breaker Trip Test" while load cur-rent is flowing, make sure the circuit breaker is carrying no more than 50% ofthe Long Delay Current Setting Ir The Trip Unit will NOT execute your instruc-tions to Test itself, when the load current exceeds 50% of Ir2 Place the "TEST AMPS" selector switch (see Figure 19) in eitherthe "6T (or "GFT) position3 Press and release the (Black) "TEST" push-button (see Figure 19) -the test starts when the push-button is released4 Should any of the various protection settings be less than theselected "Test Amps" value, the curcuit breaker will trip and theLED related to that function will light "RED"5 Reset the Trip Unit by pressing and releasing the "Trip Reset"push-button (see Figure 19) All LEDs lit by the "Trip" test actionshould turn "OFF"4.5 Testing the Battery (Inside the Rating Plug)The battery has no part in the protection function of the Trip UnitThe battery is provided only to maintain the "RED" LED indication ofthe cause of TRIP in the Digitrip RMS 510 Trip Unit The battery islocated in the rating plug along with a battery check push-button anda green battery check LED (see Figure 9)4.5.1 Back-up Battery CheckThe battery is a long life, lithium photo type unit The status of thebattery can be checked at any time Press and hold the "batterycheck push-button and observe the "Green" LED as shown in Figure9 If the battery check LED does not light "Green", replace the bat-tery The condition of the battery has no effect on the protectionfunction of the Trip Unit Even with the battery removed, the unitwill still trip the breaker in accordance with its settings If however,the battery is dead, the cause of TRIP LED will not be lit "RED"4.5.2 Replacing the Back-up BatteryThe battery can be easily replaced from the front of the Trip Unit bylowering the hinged cover of the rating plug as shown inFigure 9 The battery can then be removed by pulling the batterytab as shown in Figure 9 After the battery is replaced (or after anAuxiliary Power Module is plugged into the Trip Unit), one or more ofthe cause of Trip LED'S may be illuminated It is necessary to pressand release the "TRIP RESET button to turn off any of the LEDs thatmay be illuminated Failure to do so can cause the battery to rundown again The Trip Unit will then be ready to indicate the nextcause of tripotee:N The battery can be replaced at any time, even while the circuit breakeris in service, without affecting the operation of the circuit breaker or its pro-tection function CAUTIONCARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN REPLACING THE BATTERY TO INSURETHAT THE CORRECT POLARITY IS OBSERVED. POLARITY MARKINGS AREVISIBLE ON THE RATING PLUG WHEN THE HINGED COVER IS OPEN ASINDICATED IN FIGURE 9. IF THE BATTERY IS INSERTED WITH INCORRECTPOLARITY, THEN, AFTER AN OVER CURRENT OR SHORT-CIRCUIT TRIP, NOLEDS WILL BE LIT RED TO INDICATE THE REASON FOR THE TRIP.The replacement battery should be the same type or equivalentAcceptable 3 0 volt lithium batteries may be obtained as type desig-nation CR 1/3N or DL 1/3N