4Instruction Leaflet I. L. 29-885DEffective August 2011Instructions for Digitrip RMS 510 Trip UnitEATON CORPORATION www.eaton.comIn the Digitrip RMS 510 Trip Unit, all required sensing and trippingpower to operate its protection function is derived from the currentsensors in the circuit breaker The secondary currents from thesesensors provide the correct input information for the protector func-tions, as well as tripping power, whenever the circuit breaker iscarrying current These signals develop analog voltages across theappropriate sensing resistors including:1 Phase currents;2 Ground current or Neutral current (when supplied); and3 Rating plugThe resulting analog voltages are digitized by the custom designedintegrated circuits The micro-computer, in cyclic fashion, repeatedlyscans the voltage values across each sensing resistor and entersthese values into its Random Access Memory (RAM) The dataused to calculate true RMS current values, which are then repeat-edly compared with the protection function settings and other oper-ating data stored in the memory The software program then deter-mines whether to initiate protection functions, including tripping thebreaker through the low energy trip device (Flux Transfer Shunt Tripor Direct Trip Actuator) in the circuit breakerFigure 1.Figure 2. Digitrip RMS 510 Trip Unit Type LSIG with Rating Plug.Catalog NumberLED's light "Red"to indicate causeof tripTime-CurrentCurve for GroundProtectionSPB Rating PlugView Settings inWindowAdjust Protection Settingsfor Desired Values withRotary SwitchesTrip Unit Operation Status"Blinking Green"=OK (SeeSection 1 1 1)R-Frame Rating PlugPress and Release "TripReset" Push Button toReset Trip UnitPress and Release "Test"Push Button to InitiateSelf-Test (See Section 4)KeyedReceptaclefor AuxiliaryPower ModuleConnector (SeeSection 1 3)Time-Current curve forPhase ProtectionDS Rating Plug1.1.1 Operational Status and Protection TRIP IndicatorsThe "Green" Light Emitting Diode (LED) in the lower right corner ofthe Trip Unit (Figure 2) "blinks" once each second to indicate the TripUnit is operating normally Once the load current through the circuitbreaker exceeds approximately 10% of the frame/current sensorrating, the green LED will flash "On" and "Off" once each second, toindicate the trip unit is energized and operating properlyotee:N If the LED is steadily "GREEN", i e not blinking, the Trip Unit is notreadyThe LEDs, shown in Figures 2 and 3 thru 8 on the face of the TripUnit, light "RED" to indicate the reason for any automatic trip opera-tion As indicated in Figures 3 thru 8, each LED is strategically locat-ed in the related segment of the time-current curve depicted on theface of the Trip Unit The reason for trip is identified by the segmentof the time-current curve where the LED is lit "RED" Following anautomatic protection trip operation, the back-up battery continues tosupply power to LED's as indicated in Figures 2 and 9 The Digitripcan be RESET by:• Pressing and releasing the "TRIP RESET" button (See Figure 2lower right corner just above the "UNIT STATUS" LED);