4. Battery maintenance--17--batteries and also offers the protective function of overcharging andover-discharging.l The UPS should be charged once every 4 to 6 months if it has not been used for along time.l In hot climates, the battery should be charged every 2 months. The standardcharging time should be at least 12 hours.l Under normal conditions, the expected life is 3 to 5 years. If the battery is found notin good condition, earlier replacement should be made. Battery replacementshould be performed by qualified personnel.l Replace batteries with the same number and same type of batteries.l Do not replace individual batteries. All the batteries should be replaced at the sametime following the instructions of the battery supplier.l Normally, the batteries should be charged and discharged once every 4 to 6months. Charging should begin after the UPS shuts down automatically in thecourse of discharging, the standard charging time for the standard UPS should beat least 12 hours.PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com