Eaton Small External Battery Cabinet (EBC-S)and Large External Battery Cabinet (EBC-L) User’s and Installation Guide© Eaton Corporation plc 2015. All rights reserved. Revision: 002 Document ID: P-164000504 15 (37)3 InstallationFigure 1. Small and large external battery cabinetThe Eaton external battery cabinets provide emergency short-termbackup power to safeguard operation during brownouts, blackouts, andother power interruptions. They match and line with the Eaton 93PSproduct line. There are two different battery cabinets: the small externalbattery cabinet, EBC-S and the large external battery cabinet, EBC-L.The EBC-S is designed to be used with the uninterruptible power supply(UPS) rated up to 20kW output power and the EBC-L with up to 40kWoutput power. The maximum length of a battery string for both cabinetsis 32 blocks per string. The maximum number of parallel strings in EBC-S is three. In EBC-L, it is possible to install one string.The external battery cabinets are housed in single free-standing cabinetswith safety shields behind the door for protection against hazardousvoltage. Power and control wiring for EBC-S and EBC-L are supplied withthe cabinets. For EBC-L, the length of the supplied wiring is 4.0 m. ForEBC-S, the length of the supplied wiring is 3.0 m. The battery cabinet