10Instruction Booklet IB0162064ENEffective January 2014O & M Manual for the EGS ServiceEntrance Automatic Transfer SwitchEaton Corporation www.eatoncanada.ca5.3 Operational ChecksStep 1: Open the service entrance disconnect circuit breaker originallyclosed in Step 3 of Section 5.2.nOTiCETHiS WiLL SiMULaTE an inTErrUPTiOn OF THE UTiLiTY POWEr SOUrCE.Step 2: After a time delay (based on the generator settings), the standbygenerator engine will start.Step 3: Using a voltmeter, measure the line-to-line and line-to-neutralvoltages across the generator line terminals to ensure that thegenerator emergency voltage is correct. If necessary, makeadjustments to the voltage regulator on the generator accordingto the manufacturer’s recommendations to correct any voltagedeviations. The ATS will only respond to the correct voltagefrom the generator power source.Step 4: The ATS Time Delay Normal (Utility) to Emergency (Generator)(TDNE) will begin to time after the generator engine begins torun. After time out, the solenoid will engage and the contactorwill automatically switch from the UTILITY to the GENERATORposition.Step 5: Close the service entrance disconnect circuit breaker described inStep 3 of Section 5.2.Step 7: The ATS Time Delay Emergency (Generator) to Normal (Utility)(TDEN) timer will begin timing, and the solenoid will engageand automatically switch from the GENERATOR to the UTILITYposition and the generator will shut down after a cool downperiod.