Eaton EGS Series Instruction Booklet
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9Instruction Booklet IB0162064ENEffective January 2014O & M Manual for the EGS ServiceEntrance Automatic Transfer SwitchEaton Corporation www.eatoncanada.ca4.7 InstallationIn a typical installation (see Figure 11), the generator (2) and utilitypower connect to the ATS (1). Power from the utility or the gnera-tor (2) is fed to the main circuit breaker panel from the ATS (1). Thecircuit breaker in the ATS is the service entrance disconnect for theinstallation.When the utility power fails, the ATS will sense the failure, the gen-erator will start, and when sufficient generator voltage is available,the ATS will switch. All loads will receive power from the generator.When utility power returns, the ATS will switch all power back tothe utility source and the generator will shut down after its definedcooled down period.4.7 Generator Start ConnectionThe generator start contact connection terminal blocks are locatedon the RTC100 controller.ote:N Prior to making the generator start connection to the aTS, set the generatorcontrol selector switch to the OFF position to prevent an unwanted generator start.Control wiring, such as the generator start wires, must be run in a separate conduitfrom the power cables.A normally open and normally closed contact as well as a commonfrom the RTC-100 control board are wired out to this set of terminalblocks. The RTC-100 controller initiates the start of the generatorby closing or opening these contacts. The start signal requirementsof the generator will determine which contact is used to control thestart up. Use the proper wire size as listed by the generator set(Genset) manufacturer4.8 Preliminary ChecksAfter the ATS enclosure is installed and power cables are connectedto the equipment, thoroughly inspect the unit to ensure that notools were left inside and that the cabinet is free of debris. If nec-essary, use a vacuum cleaner to remove any and all construction orinstallation debris from the equipment.Read and understand all labels on the equipment. Review andunderstand the wiring diagrams supplied with the equipment. Noteany optional accessories that may have been furnished with this unitand review their operation.Verify that the phase-to-phase line voltages of both the utility andgenerator power sources are the same and that they match therated voltage as indicated on the ATS ratings label.CaUTiOnSEVErE EQUiPMEnT DaMagE Can rESULT iF THE UniT iS nOT aPPLiEDaT PrOPEr VOLTagE. DO nOT EnErgiZE THE EQUiPMEnT iF THE SUPPLYVOLTagES DO nOT MaTCH EQUiPMEnT raTingS LaBEL.4.9 ProtectionFor Catalogue #EgSC100aSE, EgSCa100aSE, EgSC200aSE andEgSCa200aSEThis switch is equipped with integral over-current protection.Continuous load current not to exceed 80 percent of switch rating.This Transfer Switch is rated for use on a circuit capable of deliver-ing not more than 10,000 rms symmetrical amperes, 240 volts maxi-mum.Section 5: Functional TestingWarningYOU arE rEaDY TO EnErgiZE THE EQUiPMEnT. VOLTagES WiTHin THEEnCLOSUrE arE CaPaBLE OF CaUSing SEVErE PErSOnaL inJUrY OrDEaTH. USE EXTrEME CaUTiOn TO aVOiD COnTaCT WiTH EnErgiZEDEQUiPMEnT.5.1 Preliminary ChecksStep 1: Check all loads connected to the ATS to ensure that they areready to be energized.5.2 Energize the SwitchStep 1: With the service entrance barrier removed use a voltmeter tomeasure the line-to-line and the line-to-neutral voltages on theline side of the circuit breaker. Confirm the utility voltage is cor-rect then replace the service entrance barrier.Step 2: Ensure the generator control selector switch located on thestandby generator is set to the OFF position. If so equiped,remove the control fuse from the generator control panel toensure the generator does not iniate a start during this phase ofthe preliminary check. Open the generator power source circuitbreaker located on the generator assembly.Step 3: Close the service entrance disconnect circuit breaker in theswitch to connect the ATS to the utility power source voltage.If the ATS unit is not already in the UTILITY position, and thevoltage is acceptable, the solenoid will engage and the contac-tor will automatically switch to the UTILITY position.WarningCOnTaCT WiTH EnErgiZED COMPOnEnTS WiLL CaUSE ELECTriCaLSHOCK CaPaBLE OF PrODUCing SEVErE PErSOnaL inJUrY OrDEaTH. USE EXTrEME CaUTiOn TO aVOiD COnTaCT WiTH EnErgiZEDCOMPOnEnTS WHEn USing a METEr FOr VOLTagE CHECKS.Step 4: Replace the control fuse in the generator control panel removedin Step 2 of Section 5.2. Position the generator control selectorswitch, located on the standby generator, to the AUTOSTARTposition. (It may also be labeled REMOTE START or AUTO.).Close the generator power source circuit breaker opened inStep 2 of Section 5.2. |
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