3. AIAO UnitsM N 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 6 E F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t : w w w. e a t o n . c o m 1-1373.2.4 ELCM-PT04ANNN3.2.4.1 The Basic Concepts of Platinum Temperature SensorsPlatinum temperature sensor is highly accurate and stable and the quality of linearity between-200°C and 600°C is fairy good. Generally speaking, the temperature coefficient of PT100temperature sensors is significant at low temperatures -200°C ~ -100°C, and the quality oflinearity is good at middle temperature 100°C ~ 300°C. The temperature coefficient becomessmall for higher temperatures, i.e. 300°C ~ 500°C. The resistance of PT100 is 100Ω when thetemperature is 0°C, which is the standard for a metallic temperature sensor.The rated current for temperature sensore should be less than 2mA. The self-heating of 1mW fora PT100 will cause a temperature variation of 0.02°C ~ 0.75°C. Therefore, reducing the currentof a PT100 can also reduce the temperature variation. However, if the current is too small, thePT100 signal can be affected by electrical noise. For this reason, it is recommended to confinethe current to the range 0.5mA and 2mA. IntroductionELCM-PT04ANNN temperature measurement module contains 4 inputs for platinumtemperature sensors (PT100 3-WIRE 100Ω 3850 PPM/°C (DIN 43760 JIS C1604-1989)/ NI100 /PT1000 / NI1000) and converts these inputs into 16-bit digital signals. Users can select thetemperature in Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F). Resolution of temperature in Celsius: 0.1°C andin Fahrenheit: 0.1°F. In addition, the data in the module can be accessed via FROM/TOinstructions in the ELC program or by reading the average values for the channels directly byusing MOV instructions (refer to special registers D9900 ~ D9999). Specification Functional SpecificationsELCM-PT04ANNN Celsius (°C) Fahrenheit (°F) InputImpedancePower supply voltage 24V DC (20.4V DC ~ 28.8V DC) (-15% ~ +20%)Connector European standard fixed terminal block (Hole diameter: 5mm)Analog input channel 4 channelsApplicable sensor type 3-WIRE PT100 / NI100 / PT1000 / NI1000Current excitation 1mARange of inputPT100: -180°C ~ 800°CNI100: -80°C ~ 170°CPT1000: -180°C ~ 800°CNI1000: -80°C ~ 170°CPT100: -292°F ~ 1472°FNI100: -112°F ~ 338°FPT1000: -292°F ~ 1472°FNI1000: -112°F ~ 338°F0~300ΩRange of digitalconversionPT100: K-1,800 ~ K8,000NI100: K-800 ~ K1,700PT1000: K-1,800 ~ K8,000NI1000: K-800 ~ K1,700PT100: K-2920 ~ K14720NI100: K-1120 ~ K3380PT1000:K -2920~ K14720NI1000: K-1120 ~ K33800~3000