E L C O p e r a t i o n M a n u a lF o r m o r e i nf o r m a t i o n v i s i t : w w w. e a t o n . c o m M N 0 5 00 3 0 0 6 E1-46“POWER” indicatorThere is a “POWER” LED on the front of the ELC. When the ELC is powered On, the green LEDwill be on. If the indicator is not on when the ELC is powered up and if the input power is normal,it is an indication that the ELC has a hardware problem. Replace the unit.“RUN” indicatorWhen the ELC is in the Run mode, this LED will be on. If the controller is placed into the Runmode with ELCSoft or the switch on the front of the controller and it does not enter the Runmode indicated by the Run LED, check the Error LED. There may be a program fault.“ERROR” indicator (ELC-PB/PC/PA/PH)1. If a program is downloaded to a controller with an improperly used instruction or otherprogram issue or if the program size exceeds the allowable range for that controller, thisindicator will blink. If this occurs, check the error code saved in the ELC data registerD1004. The address where the error occurred will be stored in data register D1137.2. When the ERROR LED is on (not blinking), Look at the state of special relay M1008 in theELC. If it is On, it indicates that the execution time of the program has exceeded thewatchdog time-out setting (set in D1000). Turn the ELC RUN/STOP switch to STOP, andview special data register D1008 to determine which program Step the error occurred on.The”WDT” instruction can be used to solve the problem if the watchdog time is beingexceeded, by resetting the watchdog timer in the program. Or, simply move a largerwatchdog timer value to D1000. The default is 200 (200ms).3. After solving the programming issue and downloading the corrected program to thecontroller, this LED should be off.“ERROR” indicator (ELC-PV)1. If an illegal program is downloaded to the controller, where an instruction or deviceexceeds their range, this indicator will flash (approx. every 1 second). When this happens,obtain the error code from D1004 and the saved address where the error occurred inregister D1137 (if the error is a general circuit error, the address of D1137 will be invalid).After determining the cause of the error, amend the program and download it to thecontroller. If you cannot connect to the ELC and this indicator is flashing quickly (approx.every 0.2 second), it means that the 24VDC power is insufficient. Please check if the 24VDC is overloaded.2. If the ERROR indicator is on solid, check the special relay M1008. If M1008 is on thisindicates that the execution time of the program exceeds the preset watchdog time (inD1000). In this case, turn the RUN/STOP switch to STOP and view special data registerD1008 to determine which program Step the error occurred on. The ”WDT” instruction canbe used to solve the problem if the watchdog time is being exceeded, by resetting thewatchdog timer in the program. Or, simply move a larger watchdog timer value to D1000.The default is 200 (200ms).