3 Commissioning3.7 Acyclic dataElectronic motor starter EMS-...-SWD 12/18 MN034002ZU-DE/EN www.eaton.com 733.7 Acyclic dataIn addition to cyclical input and output bytes, EMS-DOS/ROS-SWD electronicmotor starters make it possible to read from and write to the acyclical objectslisted below:The required object is addressed with parameters ID and Index. The inputaddress of the SmartWire-DT module with which communication is to beestablished is set with parameter “ID”.The Index parameter is used to assign the object an address. The first objectwill be assigned number 1, the second number 2, etc. In PKE-SWD devices,object 1 will return current value I-REL, for example.3.7.1 Acyclical read dataObject 1 [Index 1]Byte 0:Object 2 [Index 2]Byte 0:Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Configu-rationI-REL I-REL I-REL I-REL I-REL I-REL I-REL I-RELByte Bit designation Meaning0 0 - 7 I-REl Relative current value of maximum currentBit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Configu-rationTH TH TH TH TH TH TH THByte Bit designation Meaning0 0 - 7 TH Computed thermal motor model