2 EATON ET1280 Crimp Machine Set Up and Operating Manual E-EQCR-TM003-E September 2005Table of ContentsSECTION PAGESpecifications and Equipment ..................................................................................................................................................3Set-Up and Operating Instructions............................................................................................................................................4Crimping Procedures ................................................................................................................................................................5Calibration ................................................................................................................................................................................6Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................................................6Crimp Machine Components ....................................................................................................................................................7Die Cage Components ..............................................................................................................................................................8SafetyInstructionsRead and understand theoperator’s manual beforeattempting to operate anyequipment.WARNINGAeroquip hose, hosefittings and assembly equip-ment should be used onlywith other Aeroquip hose,hose fittings and assemblyequipment and Weatherheadhose, hose fittings andassembly equipment shouldbe used only withWeatherhead hose, hose fit-tings and assembly equip-ment. Do not combine or useAeroquip or Weatherheadhose, hose fittings andassembly equipment witheach other, i.e. Aeroquip hosewith Weatherhead fittings, orwith hose, hose fittings orassembly equipment suppliedby another manufacturer.Eaton hereby disclaims anyobligation or liability (includingincidental and consequentialdamages) arising from breachor contract, warranty, or tort(under negligence or strict lia-bility theories) shouldAeroquip or Weatherheadhose fittings or assemblyequipment be used inter-changeably or with anyhose, fittings or assemblyequipment supplied by anoth-er manufacturer, or in theevent that product instruc-tions for each specified hoseassembly are not followed.WARNINGFailure to followprocess and product instruc-tions and limitations couldlead to premature hoseassembly failures, resultingin property damage, seriousinjury or death.Aeroquip and Weatherheadfitting tolerances are engi-neered to match Aeroquipand Weatherhead hose toler-ances. The combination oruse of Aeroquip orWeatherhead hose and hosefittings with each other, i.e.Aeroquip hose withWeatherhead fittings, or withhose or fittings supplied byanother manufacturer mayresult in the production ofunreliable and/or unsafehose assemblies and is nei-ther recommended norauthorized by Eaton.Safety Instructions1. PREVENT UNAUTHO-RIZED OPERATION.Do not permit anyone tooperate this equipmentunless they have read andthoroughly understand thismanual.2. WEAR SAFETY GLASSES.3. AVOID PINCH POINTS.Do not rest your hand onthe crimp ring. Keep yourhands clear of all movingparts. Do not allow anyone,other than the operator,close to the equipmentwhile it is in operation.4. MAINTAIN DIES WITHCARE. Dies used in theET1280 crimp machine arehardened steel, offeringthe best combination ofstrength and wear resist-ance for long life.Hardened dies are gener-ally brittle and care shouldbe taken to avoid anysharp impact. Neverstrike a die with a hard-ened instrument.5. USE ONLY SPECIFIEDAEROQUIP/WEATHER-HEAD PRODUCTS.Make hose assembliesusing only Aeroquip andWeatherhead hose and fit-tings specified for thisassembly equipment.6. VERIFY CORRECT CRIMPDIAMETERS.Check and verify correctcrimp diameters of all fit-tings after crimping. Do notput any hose assembliesinto service if the crimpdiameters do not meetEaton crimp specifications.7. Make sure all dies arecompletely in place andthe cage is positionedproperly on the pressureplate.8. DO NOT OVERPRESSURIZE. Do notexceed the 10,000 psihydraulic pressure sup-plied to the machine.NOTE: All components usedto connect the pump andcrimp cylinder must meetthe criteria set forth in theMaterial Handling InstituteSpecification #IJ100 forhydraulic jacking applications.9. DIE CHANGE. DO NOTINSERT/REMOVE DIESWHILE THE POWER ISON OR MACHINE IS INOPERATION.10. SECURE THE EQUIP-MENT TO A STABLEWORK SURFACE.Prior to operation, securethe crimp machine to astable work surface to pre-vent the equipment fromtipping. See pages 4-5 formounting instructions.11. UNPLUG THE POWERSUPPLY WHEN NOTIN USE.12. KEEP WORKAREA CLEAN.Cluttered areas andbenches invite accidents.