4 EATON ET1280 Crimp Machine Set Up and Operating Manual E-EQCR-TM003-E September 2005Set-Up and OperatingInstructionsSet-Up 110V Power Unit:1. Mount the crimper onto aworkbench that will supporta minimum of 300 lbs.2. Remove the plug fromthe hydraulic reservoir ventand replace it with the ventcap supplied with the unit.Caution: Failure to do so willcause cavitation and damageto the pumping mechanism.Hand tighten the vent cap.3. Caution: Provide electri-cal service with a dedicatedcircuit (per the crimp machineelectrical requirements) toeliminate the possibility of alow voltage situation.4. Never use an extensioncord, always plug directlyinto the power outlet.Hand Pump, Air/HydraulicPump, 12V DC Pump:1. Mount the crimper to astable workbench using (4)1/2” lag screws or othersuitable fasteners.2. Place the pump on thebench near the crimper, andinstall a 2021-6-4S adapter inthe pressure port.3. Install a 2021-6-4Sadapter in the crimper cylin-der port.4. Connect the hose assem-bly provided to both adapters.(Hose length will vary withpump option.)OperatingInstructionsLoading and UnloadingDie CagesSelect proper die cage forstyle and size of desiredhose. Refer to the currentCrimp Specifications Manualon the Eaton website forcomplete and detailed crimpspecification information foreach hose and fitting style. Toload the die cage, extend thecrimp ring to its fullest lengthby releasing the hydraulicpressure from the powersource (Figure 1). The diecage may be inserted orremoved in this position.Figure 1