6 GridAdvisor™ Series II smart sensor installation instructions IL915001EN April 2019 Eaton.comInstallation proceduresUnderground distribution circuitsPrimary cable preparationProper primary cable preparation is necessary for theGridAdvisor Series II smart sensor acting as a faulted circuitindicator to work reliably on underground distribution circuits.The sensor can be used on concentric neutral, tape shield, ordrain wire cable. If the cable does not provide a return pathfor the fault current, the sensor can be installed directly overthe cable. If used on concentric neutral cable, or if the cableshield provides a return path for the fault current, the sensorwill not reliably detect a fault and will require the use of a tapeshield or drain wire adapter. When used, the adapter must beinstalled approximately 3.5 inches below the elbow to allowspace for mounting the sensor on the cable.One of the following four methods is preferred for installationon concentric neutral primary cable:Method 1 (refer to Figure 2A)1. Attach one or two strands of the concentric neutralwrapped around the cable to the tie-off tab on the elbow.2. Terminate all of the remaining neutral wiresapproximately 6 inches below the elbow.3. Pull the neutral wires straight up and terminate themagain just below the elbow. The wires should then bebent back down the cable (commonly referred to as“double back”).4. Terminate the ground wires approximately 6 inchesbelow the elbow.Note: The sensor is installed over the “double back” neutralwires to cancel the effect of current in the neutral. Theexact trip value is dependent on the overall diameter ofthe “double back” neutral wires.Figure 2. Recommended methods of concentric neutralprimary cable preparationMethod 2 (refer to Figure 2B)1. Attach one or two strands of the concentric neutralwrapped around the cable to the tie-off tab on the elbow.2. Terminate all of the remaining neutral wires just belowthe elbow. The balance of the neutral wires should begathered together and “double backed” down the cableand grounded.3. The sensor is installed over the “double back” neutralwires to cancel the effect of current in the neutral. Theexact trip value is dependent on the overall diameter ofthe “double back” neutral wires.Method 3 (refer to Figure 2C)1. Attach one or two strands of the concentric neutralwrapped around the cable to the tie-off tab on the elbow.2. Terminate and ground all of the remaining neutral wiresapproximately 6 inches below the elbow.Method 4 (refer to Figure 2D)1. Arch one or two strands of the concentric neutralwrapped around the cable and attach it to the tie-off tabon the elbow.2. Ensure that the arch is large enough to go around theoutside sensor when the sensor is installed.In some installations, improper preparation of the primarycable will result in an inoperable sensor as a faulted circuitindicator (FCI) (Figure 3). The magnetic field, due to current inthe center conductor, will be canceled by the current in theconcentric neutral wires.Do not place the fault indicator as shown in Figure 3. Doingso will prevent the sensor from working properly.Figure 3. Incorrect methods of concentric neutral primarycable preparationELBOWTIE-OFFTABELBOWLOCATETHE SENSORPORTION OFTHE FAULTEDCIRCUITINDICATOR(in the outlinedarea)NEUTRALWIRESTERMINATEDNEUTRALWIRESA B C DA B