10OperationOperatiOnal manual MN156001EN October 2015 www.eaton.comSystem SettingsWithin System Settings, you can change parameters for thesystem. When the unit is part of a parallel system, all ofthese settings for each unit must match.System Settings screen (HCU2 type)System Settings screen (EV12 type)Press Login to display the Login screen.Press Restore if you want to reset parameters to thedefault values.Press the screen name to access a screen.Compensation Mode Screen (HCU2 type)Harmonic Modee: Activates/Deactivates the harmoniccorrection mode.PF Modee: Activates/Deactivates the Power Factorcorrection mode.Optimized PFe: When set to OFF, the unit maintains thePF cos (phi) setting. When set to ON and the load is lessthan the PF cos(phi) setting, the unit corrects the powerfactor to PF cos (phi). If the load PF is greater than thesetting, the unit does not compensate unless the powerfactor is set to maintain a Lag power factor and the loadbecomes leading. Then, the unit corrects the power factorto a PF cos (phi) of 1.00. If the PF cos (phi) is set to Leadand the power factor of the load is lagging, the unit correctsto a PF cos (phi) of 1.00.Example: With a PF cos (phi) set to 0.98 Lag, the unitmaintains a Power Factor of 0.98 Lag when the correctedload is lagging. If the power factor improves to 0.99, nocompensation is provided. If the connected load producesa leading power factor, the unit corrects the power factorto 1.00.PF cos (phi)e: Target power factor setting.Load Balancinge: Activates/deactivates load balancing mode.Harmonic Prioritye: Sets the percentage of the unit’s outputto harmonic mitigation when the system is at or overmaximum capacity.Funde: Displays the percentage of the unit’s rating that isdedicated to correcting fundamental current as the resultof the Harmonic Priority setting. This is mathematicallycalculated based on the Harmonic Priority setting.Harmonic Priority only affects the unit when harmonic modeand at least one other mode of operation is enabled. Whenthe total current output of the active filter required exceedsthe unit’s rating, harmonic priority determines which modehas priority. With harmonic priority set to 100%, the unitoutputs all current necessary to correct the harmoniccontent. Any output capacity left over is used for correctingPF and/or load balancing. Conversely, with harmonicpriority set to 0%, the unit outputs the fundamental currentrequired for correcting power factor and/or load balancing.