3OperationOperatiOnal manual MN156001EN October 2015 www.eaton.comOperationThis chapter provides information operation of the activefilter. It covers additional settings that you can configure aftercommissioning. It includes descriptions of parameters andinformation available on the display as well as event logs.Home ScreenWhen first energized, the HMI displays the Home screen.To return to the Home screen, press the Home icon at thebottom on any of the screens. To change parameters, youmust be logged in as an Admin level user. From the Homescreen, you can access the following:• System Statuse: Displays screens providing an overviewof the system status• Meteringe: Displays screens that provide measured valuesof the unit, system, and electrical distribution system• Waveformse: Displays screens that graphically representvarious values measured• Event Loge: Displays a list of all events that occurred withthe unit• System Settings: Allows changes to be made to thesystem parameters. When operating in parallel, allsystems settings must match for each unit in the parallelsystem• Unit Settingse: Allows changes to the unit parameters• Commission Unite: Provides a step-by-step procedure tocommission the unitNotee: Once the unit is commissioned, you do not needto perform this procedure again.• User Logine: This is where you log into the unit to changeparameters• Start System/Stop Systeme: This icon toggles betweenStart System when inactive and Stop System whenactive. Start System activates the unit, or in paralleloperation, it starts the entire system. Stop Systemstops the unit, or in parallel operation, it stops theentire system.User LoginFor information on setting up users, refer to Set up userswith the User Manager on page 21. To log in:1. Press User Login.2. Press the Username field. Type your user name on thekeypad and press Enter.3. Press the Password field and enter your password.4. Press Log In.System StatusSystem Status screens display information on the unit’sstatus. Also when installed as a parallel system, informationfor the entire active filter system is provided. To navigatethrough the screens, press the up or down arrow. To returnto the Home screen, press the Home icon. An active filteroperating as a standalone unit has four System Statusscreens. Active filters operating in a parallel system havefive System Status screens.