HMi Series Instruction LeafletWiring MethodGeneral DescriptionWARNING Remove the terminal block from theHMi before wiring. Insert only one wire into eachterminal on the terminal block. Never use force to remove theterminals or wires as this may causedamage and void the warranty.Positioned between the ELC graphicspanels and the XV series of operatorinterfaces, HMi is the work horse of theindustry. The units feature touchscreenand function keys to suit allenvironments and applications. Theyrange in screen size and color to fitavailable space and application needs.All units offer RS-232, RS-485 andRS-422 communications. The 6", 8" and10" units also offer Ethernetcommunication options.Communication WiringWARNING Comply with communication wiringand grounding specifications for thenetwork being used.• Analog Touchscreen• Auto-scale application from 10" to 4"• Screen SaverMaintenance and Inspection• Pop-up ScreensWARNING Do not touch any internal orexposed electrical parts of thedevice or electrical shock mayresult. Do not remove the operatorinterface while power is applied orelectrical shock may result. Wait at least 10 seconds afterpower has been removed beforetouching terminals, wiring and/orinspecting because an electricalcharge with hazardous voltagesmay remain in the unit after powerhas been removed. Turn the power off before changingthe backup battery and checksystem settings after installingthe new battery. All system settingswill be return to the default settings. Be sure the ventilation holes are notobstructed during operation or theoperator interface may overheatand malfunction.• Animated Graphics• Clock Synchronization• Data Archiving• Multi-Language• 8 Levels of Security• Embedded Logic for use with Local I/O• Ethernet Modbus TCP CommunicationDrivers• Ethernet, COMM port and USB Upload /Download• USB Ports for Data Storage• 3 Serial Ports• Up to 4 Simultaneous Protocols• Math and Logic Functions• Recipes• Macro Capability• Alarm/Event Recording and Viewing• Real-time and Historical Trending• On and Off-line SimulationEATON CORPORATION 2