Eaton 93PM Integrated Battery Cabinet (IBC-L, IBC-LH [432V], and IBC-LH [480V]) Installation Manual 164000228—Rev 08 57Figure 31. Interface Terminal Detail – Eaton 93PM IBC-LH (480V)Battery Shunt Trip (+)Battery Shunt Trip (-)Not UsedBattery DetectTo Next IBC TB3-4 (Battery Detect Common)To Next IBC TB3-1 (Battery Shunt Trip +)To Next IBC TB3-2 (Battery Shunt Trip -)Not UsedNot UsedNot UsedThermal Sensor ReturnThermal SensorIBCOptional1112110TB2orTB3NOTE 1 TB2 and TB3 terminals are wired together and are identical. TB2 is located at the bottomof the IBC and TB3 is located at the top of the IBC. Use TB2 for line-up-and-match shunttrip, and for standalone bottom entry shunt trip and battery detect connections to theUPS. Use TB3 for connections between multiple IBCs, for line-up-and-match batterydetect, and for standalone top entry shunt trip and battery detect connections to theUPS.NOTE 2 TB2 and TB3 connector pin 1 is located at the front of the cabinet.NOTE 3 The Thermal Sensor is optional. If not installed, terminals TB2-11, TB2-12, TB3-11, andTB3-12 are not present.44..55..22 IInnssttaalllliinngg BBaatttteerryy SShhuunntt TTrriipp IInntteerrffaaccee CCoonnnneeccttiioonnssNOTE 1 Disconnect terminal block plug from terminal block to wire plug.NOTE 2 Because of the battery shunt trip wiring route in the 93PM UPS cabinet, the wiring fromthe IBC shunt trip terminals to the UPS must use wire rated for 600V and Class 1 wiringmethods.NOTE 3 If the inter-cabinet wiring access pass-through is not used to install the battery shunt tripinterface wiring connections, conduit must be installed between the battery cabinet andthe UPS cabinet.To install wiring:1. If wiring the IBC shunt trip interface terminals using the line-up-and-match inter-cabinet wiring accesspass-through (see Figure 15) proceed to Step 2; if wiring the IBC shunt trip interface terminals using thetop entry access, proceed to Step 4; if wiring the IBC shunt trip interface terminals using the bottom entryaccess, proceed to Step 7.Installation