4DRAFT - 11 December 2014INM MTL4850_54 Rev4The second alternative - see Figure 2.3 - is to use one of MTL's HART connection units:• HCU16 16-channel analogue input/output• HCU16AO 16-channel analogue output with HART filtersand link to an HMP-HM64 HART interface, which can accommodate any combination of four ofthese connection units.The HMP-HM64 is a compact interface between the connection units and the maintenancesystem. Up to 32 of these can be daisy-chained on an RS485 link to a PC runnning HARTmaintenance software, making a total coverage of 2016 channels. See Sections 4.2 to 4.5 fordetails.The final method considered here consists of two backplane options.• 16-channel backplane CPH-SC16 and CPH-SC16R• 32-channel backplane CPH-SC32 and CPH-SC32RBoth backplanes accommodate 16 MTL4500 Series IS isolator modules and an MTL4850 orMTL4854 multiplexer module.The CPH-SC16 backplane is designed for MTL4541 single channel isolators and has 16 field terminals,while the CPH-SC32 has 32 field terminals for MTL4544/4544A dual channel isolator modules.RS485 ports on the backplanes enable them to be connected to the HART maintenance software PC.In addition, both backplanes have a facility to accept dual (redundant) power supplies formaximum system availability.MTL4850/54Figure 2.4HART CPH-SCxxbackplane Figure 2.3HARTconnection unit