14DRAFT - 11 December 2014INM MTL4850_54 Rev44.5 MTL customised backplanesMTL has a range of customised backplanes that accept MTL4500 Series isolators.These have beenproduced for various types of DCS and PLC equipment and have system connectors that suit theequipment type. Many are fitted with a DIN41651 20-way ribbon cable connector to enable thebackplane to be connected to a HART maintenance system. Check with MTL for availability.Other types of backplane are available that have provision for the inclusion of an MTL4850/54module on the backplane itself. These are dealt with in the next section.4.6 CPH-SC16(R) and CPH-SC32(R) backplanesThe CPH-SC16, CPH-SC16R, CPH-SC32 and CPH-SC32R backplanes are designed foruse with the MTL4500 series analogue input and output modules. Each backplane canaccommodate 16 x MTL4500 modules as well as an MTL4850/54 HART multiplexer module.4.6.1 CPH-SC16 and CPH-SC16R backplanesEach of these backplanes will support 16 HART channels, but a second CPH-SC16 (or 16R)backplane can be connected to utilise the 32 channel capacity of the MTL4850/54. They aredesigned primarily for use with the MTL4541, or MTL4541A, analogue input modules and theMTL4546 analogue output modules.The CPH-SC16R version has 250W resistors across each of the control system terminal toprovide a 1–5V signal for the host. Only the MTL4541 and MTL4541A modules may be usedwith this version.Connectors P1 and P2 at each end of the backplane are provided for linking a pair of CPH-SC16(or 16R) backplanes to utilise the full 32 channel capacity of the MTL4850/54. See Section 4.11for additional details.If a pair of backplanes is linked in this way, only one will have the multiplexer modules fitted.The MTL4850/54 is fitted to the backplane that carries modules 1–16: the RS485 serial linkshould also be connected to this backplane.4.6.2 CPH-SC32 and CPH-SC32R backplanesEach of these backplanes will support 32 HART channels. They are designed primarily for usewith the MTL4544, or MTL4544A analogue input modules and the MTL4549, or MTL4549C,analogue output modules.The CPH-SC32R version has 250W resistors across each of the control system terminal toprovide a 1–5V signal for the host. Only the MTL4544 modules may be used with this version.4.6.3 RS485 communication connectionsAll of these backplanes have two RS485 ports fitted - see Figure 4.10 and 4.11 - to connect thebackplane to the PC running the maintenance software and to onward link to other backplanesor similar HART interfaces. If a pair of backplanes is linked, the RS485 serial link should beconnected only to the one carrying the MTL4850/54.Full details of this communications link are provided in Sections DC power connectionsThe backplanes have dual redundant 24V dc supply feeds via independent 4-way, screw-clamp, terminal connectors. LED indicators are provided to indicate the presence of power toeach of the redundant power inputs. Inline input diodes prevent interaction between the twopower supplies and 0.5A fuses protect against over current.Power requirementsVoltage: 20–35V dcCurrent (with all channels at 20mA): 0.65A max. @ 24V dc - CPH-SC16(R)1.2A max. @ 24V dc - CPH-SC32(R)See Section 4.10.3 for connection details.4.6.5 HART addressingA 6-way DIP switch (SW1) is provided on the backplane to enable a unique HART address tobe set for the MTL4850 or MTL4854. The switch is binary coded and the relevant ‘bits’ shouldbe switched to the ON position. See Section 5.3.2 for additional information.