24Instructional Booklet IB02102006EEffective May 2011Type MVS (previously WLImetal-enclosed switchgear4.76 kV, 15.0 kV, 27.0 kV, and 38.0 kVeaton corporation www.eaton.com WARNINGOPERATING AN MVS SWITCH WITH A KEy INTERLOCK BOLT EXTENDEDWILL RESULT IN EQUIPMENT DAMAGE AND MAy ALSO EXPOSE A PERSONTO BODILy INJURy OR DEATH.THE KEy MUST BE INSERTED INTO THE INTERLOCK AND ROTATED TORETRACT THE LOCKING BOLT BEFORE OPERATING AN MVS SWITCH.Hand operation of a motor operated switchA special pin connects the linear actuator to the switch operatorLoosen the screw holding the pin in place and remove this pin(see Figure 32) Remove the bottom support pin holding the linearactuator, pull it out sufficiently to permit unplugging the linearactuator and removing it (see Figure 33) The switch maynow be manually operated with the removable handleFigure 32. Special Pin and Screw at the Top of the MotorActuator PistonFigure 33. Bottom Support Pin WARNINGDEFEATING OR DISENGAGING SAFETy INTERLOCKS ON AN MVS SWITCHTHAT IS CONNECTED TO A POWER SOURCE MAy RESULT IN PROPERTyDAMAGE, BODILy INJURy, OR DEATH.DO NOT DEFEAT OR DISENGAGE ANy SAFETy INTERLOCKS.MaintenanceThe linear actuator itself is completely weather-sealed The linearactuator and its associated bearings are lubricated for their normallife many times in excess of the main switch and therefore requireno maintenance