For Sales and Support, Contact Walker EMD • Toll-free: (800) 876-4444 • Tel: (203) 426-7700 • Fax: (203) 426-7800 • www.walkeremd.comNFX9000 Adjustable Frequency DrivesB-2 For more information visit: MN04002003EFebruary 2006Table B-1: Communication Address Definition, continuedContent: Address: Function:StatusmonitorRead-only2100H Error code:0: No errors occurred1: Over-current (oc)2: Over-voltage (ov)3: Overheat (oH)4: Overload (oL)5: Overload1 (oL1)6: External fault (EF)7: Reserved8: Reserved9: Current exceeds 2 times rated current during acc. (ocA)10: Current exceeds 2 times rated current during dec. (ocd)11: Current exceeds 2 times rated current during steady state operation(ocn)12: Reserved13: Reserved14: Low voltage (Lv)15: CPU failure 1 (cF1)16: CPU failure 2 (cF2)17: b.b.18: Overload (oL2)19: Auto acc/dec failure ( cFA)20: Software protection enabled (codE)21: Reserved22: CPU failure (cF3.1)23: CPU failure (cF3.2)24: CPU failure (cF3.3)25: CPU failure (cF3.4)26: CPU failure (cF3.5)27: CPU failure (cF3.6)28: CPU failure (cF3.7)29: Hardware protection failure (HPF.1)30: Hardware protection failure (HPF.2)31: Hardware protection failure (HPF.3)2101H Status of AMDBit 1,0 00: RUN LED light off, STOP LED light up01: RUN LED blink, STOP LED light up10: RUN LED light up, STOP LED blink11: RUN LED light up, STOP LED light offBit 2 1: JOG activeBit 4,3 00: REV LED light off, FWD LED light up01: REV LED blink, FWD LED light up10: REV LED light up, FWD LED blink11: REV LED light up, FWD LED light off