Eaton OSP10M Quick Start Manual
SPECIFICATIONS• Single Pole and 3-Way• 15A, 120V AC 60 Hz – Incandescent, Magnetic Low Voltage, Magnetic Ballast10A, 120V AC, 60 Hz – LED, Compact Fluorescent, Electronic Low Voltage, Electronic Ballast8A, 277V AC, 60 Hz – Magnetic Low Voltage, Magnetic Ballast, LED, Compact Fluorescent,Electronic Low Voltage, Electronic Ballast1/2 HP, 120V AC, 60 Hz – Motor• NOTE - A Ground Connection is required in the wallbox where the sensor will be installed.DESCRIPTION• This Sensor Wall Switch can replace a standard wall switch in any of the following applications:• Single location – one Single Pole switch.• Two location – one location is the sensor and the other location is a standard 3-way switch.• Two location – replace both 3-Way switches with sensors.• The OSP10M can interface with an external control Switchpack.• The OSP10M turns on automatically when a person enters the room.• Will automatically turn OFF lights after a selectable time delay.• The selectable time delays are 5 seconds (Test Mode), 5 minutes (factory default), 15 minutes and 30 minutes.• Includes a light level adjustment for daylight to prevent motion from turning ON the lights.• A green LED indicates the load status and provides a momentary flash to indicate motion.• The OSP10M relay connections are isolated. They may be wired to a load that is powered from a differentpower source than the sensor power.SPECIAL MODES• Reverse Mode: The reverse mode is used when the lights must stay OFF in a room while motion is detected.If the lights are ON, a double tap of the ON/OFF button will turn off the lights and put the device into theReverse Mode. This allows the lights to stay OFF as long as motion is detected. After the time delay isfinished the sensor operation goes back to normal.• Vacancy mode: This mode may be selected to prevent motion from automatically turning on the lights.Press and hold the ON/OFF button for 5 seconds until the indicator LED blinks. Release the button while theLED is blinking. Repeat this procedure to restore normal operation.• Override Mode: Turns off all motion sensing and allows the device to be used as a regular ON/OFF switchor in the unlikely event of a failure of the motion sensor. Press and hold the ON/OFF button for 10 secondsuntil the indicator LED blinks for the second time (the LED will also blink at the 5 second point). Releasethe button while the LED is blinking. Repeat this procedure to restore normal operation.• Disable Manual Operation – In this mode the sensor will function normally with automatic sensing,however the sensor will not respond to pressing the ON/OFF button. This feature is enabled bypressing and holding the ON/OFF button for 15 seconds until the LED indicator blinks for the third time(the LED will also blink at the 5 second and 10 second point) and then releasing the button while theLED is blinking. Repeat this procedure to restore normal operation.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSWARNING:• Turn OFF circuit breaker or remove fuse(s) and verify that power is OFF before wiring.• Never wire any electrical device with power turned ON. Wiring the device with the power on isunsafe and may cause permanent damage to the device and void the warranty.• If you are unsure about any part of these instructions, or if the wiring does not match thedescriptions given, you should call a qualified electrician.CAUTION:• Must be installed and used in accordance with all applicable electrical codes.• If a bare copper or green ground connection is not available in the wallbox, contact a quali- fiedelectrician for installation. Do not install without proper ground connections.• Do not exceed maximum device ratings.• For use ONLY with permanently installed fixtures of these types:Incandescent/Halogen, Magnetic Low Voltage (MLV), Electronic Low Voltage(ELV), Fluorescent, Compact Fluorescent, LED.• May also be used with motors up to 1/2 HP• To avoid overheating and possible damage to other equipment, do not use to control receptacles.• Use only #14 or #12 copper wire with these devices.• Make sure the controlled load (connected to Relay OUT) is rated to handle the volt- ageconnected to the Relay IN wire of the OSP10MInstalling OSP10M for single pole applicationRefer to wiring diagram 1A and install the sensor properly by following thedescribed wire connections. Once all wires are connected, using the providedwire nuts, go to COMPLETING THE INSTALLATION.Installing OSP10M for Switchpack controlRefer to wiring diagram 1B and install the sensor properly by following thedescribed wire connections. Once all wires are connected, using the providedwire nuts, go to COMPLETING THE INSTALLATION.Installing OSP10M for 3-way applicationsNOTE that the 3-way switch is NOT wired in the traditional 3-way manner.Refer to either wiring diagram 2A or 2B and install the sensor properly by follow-ing the described wire connections (The sensor may be placed at either end of the3-way circuit). Once all wires are connected, using the provided wire nuts, go toCOMPLETING THE INSTALLATION.Installing OSP10M for 2 sensor applicationsRefer to wiring diagram 3 and install the sensor properly by following thedescribed wire connections. Once all wires are connected, using the providedwire nuts, go to COMPLETING THE INSTALLATION.DIAGRAM 1A: SENSOR IN ONE LOCATION (NON-ISOLATED)Light FixtureWhiteNeutralGroundBare Green3-WayBlueBlackHotBlack120/277VHotBlackRelay OUTRed120/277VOrangeRelay IN015’MAJOR MOTION1000 SQ. FT.36’0COVERAGE PATTERNMINOR MOTION300 SQ. FT.8’15’ 8’ 15’DIAGRAM 1B: SENSOR AND SWITCHPACK CONTROLGroundGreen Red Relay outHot BlackOrange Relay in Blue wireRed wireSwitchpack control linesFirst Location Second LocationDIAGRAM 2A: SWITCH IN LOCATION WITH HOT WIRE3-Way SwitchHotBlack 120/277VHotBlack120/277VBlack3-WayBlueNeutralNeutralWhite WhiteLightFixtureBlack TravelerRed TravelerRedRelay OUTGroundBareGreenRelay INOrangeArrow HartCatalog # OSP10M Occupancy Sensor (Single Output) (REV.A) |
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