Eaton CorporationElectrical Sector1111 Superior Ave.Cleveland, OH 44114United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)© 2013 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. IL012002EN / TBG001071March 2013Eaton is a registered trademark of EatonCorporation.All other trademarks are property of theirrespective owners.Instruction Leaflet IL012002ENEffective March 2013Instruction Leaflet for Modbus Power Monitoring/Metering Module (PM3) for FD, JG, and KD/LGCircuit Breakers and Motor Circuit ProtectorsThe instructions for installation, testing, maintenance, or repairherein are provided for the use of the product in general commercialapplications and may not be appropriate for use in nuclear applica-tions. Additional instructions may be available upon specific requestto replace, amend, or supplement these instructions to qualify themfor use with the product in safety-related applications in a nuclearfacility.The information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety nota-tions in this document are based on Eaton’s experience and judg-ment with respect to Retrofitting of Power Breakers. This instruction-al literature is published solely for information purposes and shouldnot be considered all-inclusive. If further information is required, youshould consult an authorized Eaton sales representative.The sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to theterms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policiesor other contractual agreement between the parties. This literatureis not intended to and does not enlarge or add to any such contract.The sole source governing the rights and remedies of any purchaserof this equipment is the contract between the purchaser and Eaton.NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGWARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ORMERCHANTABILITY, OR WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSEOF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, ARE MADE REGARDINGTHE INFORMATION, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND DESCRIPTIONSCONTAINED HEREIN. In no event will Eaton be responsible to thepurchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strictliability or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental or conse-quential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited todamage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, costof capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existingpower facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its cus-tomers resulting from the use of the information, recommendationsand description contained herein.