PXL Series Installationand Operation ManualInstruction ManualPage 14 Effective: January 20064.5 PXL Premium DisplayCalibration ProcedureIn some rare cases, the line voltagesdisplayed on the Premium display may beincorrect as indicated in the image bellow.The Auto Calibration feature is what weactually use in calibrating the Premiumdisplay in the plant. However, thisprocedure can be done in the field bypressing the STEP button before power isapplied to the unit. Then, the operatorselects the system voltage from 208Y to600Y/D to be displayed.It measures the input voltage andassumes that this is equal to the nominalvoltage of the model. So for a 208Vmodel SPD if the actual input is 230 V,the display will still be 208V. It measuresand averages a number of cycles thengets a scaling factor that is used indisplaying 208V in this case.If this procedure is going to be done inthe field, then calibration must beperformed when the input voltage is closeto nominal to get an accurate display. Inthe factory, we set the voltage to 208Vmanually through a variac transformer.4.5.2 Premium DisplayCalibration Procedure Steps!!!!!!!Shut OFF power to the unit.Press and hold the STEP button. DoNOT release (arrow 2)Apply power to the unitThe display will show:- first row- second rowRelease the STEP button.Press the STEP button once to scrollthrough the following voltages:Select Voltage240V Spt..........240 V Split Phase240V D/HG......240 V Delta & High Leg480V Y/D.........480 V Wye/Delta600V Y/D.........600 V Wye/Delta*400V Y/D.........400 V Wye/Delta*220V Y/D.........220 V Wye/Delta*If the STEP button is pressed again,selection returns to 208V Wye.Press TEST (Arrow 7) button once toaccept selected system voltage. Then,the display will go into Auto-Calibrationand display the system voltage.Unit is ready to display voltage.Note: If selection made is incorrect,repeat all steps starting with STEP 2.Set Voltage208 Volts Y*System Voltages not available for PXL SPD100KAVAB VBC VCA208 208 2087 2Effective 01.06 IM 01005001Einformation visit: www.eatonelectrical.com4.5.1 What are the Reasons forthe Auto-Calibration Feature?!!!To compensate for the differences inthe value of the scaling resistors, offsetvoltage of the amplifiers in the display.To allow for field adjustment ifnecessary.Use of one firmware/hardware for allvoltages. The Premium display board candisplay any system voltage from 208 -600V.