Figure 7. Voltage Transient+208 Volts rms-208 Volts rms0Amplitude istypically doublethe line voltageor greater andless than onecycle in duration.+208 Volts rms-208 Volts rms+208 Volts rms-208 Volts rmsSwellSwellNormalNormalSagSagPXL Series Installationand Operation ManualInstruction ManualPage 8 Effective: January 20064.3 Common Causes of SPDProblems4.3.1 Voltage Regulation4.3.2 Temporary Overvoltage(TOV)SPDs are applied to electrical systems tomitigate surges, transients, impulse orspikes. By definition, surges are randomhigh magnitude short-term voltagedisturbances. These high impulses cancause havoc to electronic devices if noprotection is applied.- Voltage Transient. Thisimage represents a transient voltagesurge on the 60 Hz AC sine wave. Thetransient is very short in duration but veryhigh in magnitude from the nominal ACline voltage. Tests have shown that thegreater the amplitude of the surgevoltage, the greater the risk of damageoccurring to downstream electronicsystems. Additionally, voltage transientsoriginate from variety of sources,externally form lightning and utility faults,and internally generated from switchingloads, electronic power supplies, etc.Problems associated with voltageregulation are more commonlyunderstood since these events happenover very long time periods. Voltagesurges should not be confused withvoltage regulation problems. By definition,voltage surges occur in the microsecondrange and voltage regulation is defined ashaving a duration of 1 cycle to manycycles or even hours. Voltage regulationcan only damage an SPD if the voltagerises near or above its MCOV (maximumcontinues operating voltage).Full detailed explanations can be found inthe IEEE (Institute of Electrical andElectronics Engineers) publication oftenreferred to us as the “Emerald Book”.TOV or swells are 60 Hz voltage eventsthat can occur from 1 cycle to a fewseconds. See Figure 10 - Line VoltageSwells (TOV) and Sags. The normal ACsine wave in reference to the swell andsag clearly illustrates the difference in thetypes of events. TVSS or SPDs aredevices that shunt surge events -microseconds events. TOV will often lastfor cycles and fail MOV-based SPDs.See Figure 74.4 TroubleshootingThe PXL is a rugged suppression device.In the unlikely case that the indicatorlights change status, audible alarm orremote alarms are activated. First contactour Application Engineers at (800) 809-2772 (option 4, sub-option 2). They willhelp determine the cause of your problemand direct you to the warranty process ifapplicable.Figure 8. Line Voltage Swells (TOV) and Sags4.4.1 PXL Power SystemTroubleshooting GuideImproper installation of the SPD at site isthe most common application problem.Please follow these instructions carefullyfor proper SPD operation.Effective 01.06 IM 01005001Einformation visit: