28Appendix A Points ListPXM 4/6/8K DNP3 Ethernet Communications User Manual MN150005EN January 2017 www.eaton.comFigure 19. UP and DOWN Button Function.5.6 Assigning a Dead BandPXM DNP implementation uses a fixed dead banding meth-od for event detection. If a static value of a meter param-eter changes beyond the assigned dead band limit, then theevent is triggered and stored in the internal event buffer.Dead band value indicates the number of counts used forevent comparison.For analog inputs, if a reference value goes above ORbelow the dead band limit, then an event is triggered. Forexample, if IA is assigned with a dead band value of 10 andreference value of IA is 500 Amps, then an event will betriggered in the case of the static value of IA is less than490 Amps or greater than 510 Amps. When this particularevent is triggered, the value of IA which caused the eventbecomes reference for next event comparison.For binary counters, if the difference/delta between refer-ence value and current value is greater than the dead band,then an event is triggered. This is because the countervalue cannot decrement. When an event is triggered, thevalue which caused the event becomes reference for thenext event comparison.For binary inputs, state stage causes an event generation,therefore it is not required to assign a dead band to thebinary inputs.Below are limits for different types of event storages in thePXM meter.●● Analog input change events 500●● Binary input change events 250●● Binary counter input change events 250●● Frozen binary counter change events 250otee:N If the User selects an event class as 0, then the deadband cannot be programmed. Similarly, if the Userassigns class 1, 2, or 3, then the dead band valuecannot be zero.