1 of 3POWER WIRING INSTALLATION NOTES051505DESCRIPTION:DATE:DRAWING NO: SHEET:REVISION: A164201591---6Installation InformationA-16 EATON Powerware ® 9390 IAC-D Installation and Operation Manual S 164201591 Rev B powerware.comTable D . INPUT/OUTPUT Ratings & External Wiring Requirements forPowerware 9390 IAC-- DUnits Rating 50/60 HzAC Input from UPS(Standalone Installation)(3) Phases, (1) GroundAAMPSMaximum input ratings are to be in accordance with therating label on the IAC --- D and not to exceed 500A. Thetotal combined load is not to exceed the UPS outputrating.Minimum Conductor SizeNumber per PhaseAWG orkcmil(each)For contractor-supplied wiring, refer to the applicablePowerware 9390 UPS Installation and Operationmanual, listed in paragraph 1.5. Wiring should be sizedin accordance with the rating label on the IAC --- D.Factory supplied wiring for line-up–and–matchinstallation is available as an option.AC Output from Distribution Breakerto Critical Load(3) Phases, (1) Neutral, (1) GroundBWire branch circuits in accordance with branch circuit breakermanufacturer’s ratings, and national and local electrical codes.Maximum output ratings are to be in accordance with the ratinglabel on the IAC --- D and not to exceed 500A. The total combinedload is not to exceed the UPS output rating.AC Output from Distribution Panel Breakersto Critical LoadBWire branch circuits in accordance with branch circuit breakermanufacturer’s ratings and instructions, and national and localelectrical codes (output is prewired to the panelboard).Maximum output ratings are to be in accordance with the ratinglabel on the IAC --- D and not to exceed 500A. The total combinedload is not to exceed the UPS output rating.NOTE: Callout letters A and B map to drawing 164201591 ---3.Read and understand the following notes while planning and performing the installation:1. Refer to national and local electrical codes for acceptable external wiring practices.2. Material and labor for external wiring requirements are to be provided by designatedpersonnel.3. For external input wiring, use 90°C copper wire. See the appropriate column in Table D.Wire sizes are based on using the specified breakers.4. Wire ampacities are chosen from Table 310---16 of the NEC. Input wire is 90°C specification.5. Optional 225A Distribution Panels use Cutler-Hammer bolt-on type BAB or QBHW breakersfor bolt-on panels, or plug-on type HQP or QPHW breakers for plug-on panels. Breakers tobe provided by the customer.6. Refer to Section I of this manual for installation instructions.7. Refer to the applicable Powerware 9390 UPS Installation and Operation manual, listed inparagraph 1.5, for UPS cabinet wiring requirements, and conduit and terminal locations.8. When Distribution Panel Boards or a combination of Panel Board and Distribution Breakersare installed, input and output to the IAC---D must be 208V. If only Distribution Breakers areinstalled, input and output to the IAC---D can be either 208V or 480V.