9Instruction Booklet IB02201004EEffective October 2017Revision #4Instructions for installation, operation, andmaintenance of 38 kV type VacClad-W,150 BIL switchgear indoor housingsEATON www.eaton.comD Movement of the breaker from the Connect position to theDisconnect position:1 Before the breaker can be moved from the Connect positionto the Disconnect or Test position, the breaker must be open2 Insert the levering crank onto the hex drive nut on the rackingscrew In order to engage the hex drive nut, you must pushthe safety slider in and out of the way of the hex nutotee:N If the breaker is closed, you will not be able to push the safety slider into engage the hex drive nut You must trip the breaker by means of either theOpen pushbutton on the front of the breaker or electrically using the controlcircuit3 Rotate the levering crank in a counter-clockwise directionuntil the breaker is in the Test of the Disconnect positionotee:N The secondary plug on the compartment pan assembly is automati-cally disengaged from the breaker secondary plugStep 10: Test the breaker and cell interface per IB3A74792Step 11: Check the drawout transformer drawers in the auxiliary com-partmentsA Unbolt and remove the front covers of the auxiliary compart-ments The covers are removed by lifting upward and outwardtoward the user (see Figures 6 and 7)B The transformer drawers are shipped installed in the switchgearin the Disconnect position There are yellow shipping braceslocated in the auxiliary compartments This bracing securesthe transformer drawer to the cell for shipping purposes onlyRemove these braces and angles (see Figure 7)C Remove the transformer drawers from the auxiliary compart-ments Refer to the portable lift device instructions in theoptional accessories section of this document for proper removalof the drawers from the units prior to performing the followingactions After removing the drawers, check for any damage tothe transformers, transformer fuses and fuse tubes, drawers,and cell partsFigure 6. Auxiliary Compartment with Front Cover Installed.Cover Interlock BracketCover GuideRacking Cover PlateViewing WindowCover GuidePerimeter Bolting Cover GuideFigure 7. Auxiliary Compartment with Cover Removed andDrawer in the Disconnect Position.D The voltage transformer fuse is an integral part of the trans-former The fuse is located inside of a fuse tube mounted on topof the transformer The transformer(s) are mounted on a drawer(see Figure 8) Check the fuses for continuity At one end of thefuse tube is a contact spring and at the other is a contact plateContinuity can be checked between the two ends See theTransformers and primary fuses section of this manual for direc-tions on how to gain access and replace fusesNOTICEDO NOT HANDLE THE FUSE TUBES FOR PURPOSES OTHER THANCHANGING OUT FUSES. DOING SO, MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE FUSETUBES AND MATING PARTS.E Installation of the transformer drawer into auxiliary compartment:1 Confirm that the transformer drawer is in the fully retractedposition prior to moving it into the compartment The draweris fully retracted when the upper-half section of the draweris butted up against the lower-half section of the drawer (seeFigure 9)2 Refer to the portable lift device instructions in the optionalaccessories section of this document for details on lifting andmoving transformer drawers using the portable lifter Movethe drawer to its location with a portable lifting device forupper compartments, or roll it to its location directly on thefloor for lower compartmentsNOTICEDO NOT HANDLE THE FUSE TUBES LOCATED ON TOP OF THETRANSFORMERS WHILE MOVING IN THIS MANNER. THIS MAY CAUSEDAMAGE TO THE FUSE TUBES AND MATING PARTS.CoverInterlock LinkCoverGuideCover GuideCover Guide Safety Shutter ClosedDrawer ReleaseHandleDrawer Safety Plate