POWER PRUNER TMOPERATOR 'S MANUAL 5EXTENDED OPERATION /EXTREME CONDITIONSVibration and ColdIt is believed that a condition called Raynaud’s Phenomenon, whichaffects the fingers of certain individuals may be brought about byexposure to vibration and cold. Exposure to vibration and cold maycause tingling and burning sensations followed by loss of color andnumbness in the fingers. The following precautions are stronglyrecommended because the minimum exposure which might trigger theailment is unknown.• Keep your body warm, especially the head, neck, feet, ankles, handsand wrists.• Maintain good blood circulation by performing vigorous armexercises during frequent work breaks and also by not smoking.• Limit the hours of operation. Try to fill each day with jobs whereoperating the unit or other hand-held power equipment is notrequired.• If you experience discomfort, redness, and swelling of the fingersfollowed by whitening and loss of feeling, consult your physicianbefore further exposing yourself to cold and vibration.Repetitive Stress InjuriesIt is believed that overusing the muscles and tendons of the fingers,hands, arms and shoulders may cause soreness, swelling, numbness,weakness and extreme pain in those areas. Certain repetitive handactivities may put you at a high risk for developing a Repetitive StressInjury (RSI). An extreme RSI condition is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS), which could occur when your wrist swells and squeezes a vitalnerve that runs through the area. Some believe that prolonged exposureto vibration may contribute to CTS. CTS can cause severe pain formonths or even years.To reduce the risk of RSI/CTS, do thefollowing:• Avoid using your wrist in a bent, extendedor twisted position. Instead try to maintaina straight wrist position. Also, whengrasping, use your whole hand, not justthe thumb and index finger.• Take periodic breaks to minimize repetitionand rest your hands.• Reduce the speed and force with whichyou do the repetitive movement.• Do exercises to strengthen the hand andarm muscles.• Immediately stop using all power equip-ment and consult a doctor if you feeltingling, numbness or pain in the fingers,hands, wrists or arms. The sooner RSI/CTS is diagnosed, the more likely perma-nent nerve and muscle damage can beprevented.EQUIPMENTWARNING DANGERSerious injury may result from the use of non approved guide bar and saw chain combinations. ECHO, INC. will notbe responsible for the failure of cutting devices or accessories which have not been tested and approved by ECHOfor use with this unit. Read and comply with all safety instructions listed in this manual.• Keep exhaust area clear of flammabledebris. Avoid contact during and immedi-ately after operation.• Check unit for loose/missing nuts, bolts, and screws. Tightenand/or replace as needed.• Inspect fuel lines, tank, and area around carburetor for fuel leaks. DONOT operate unit if leaks are found.Guide Bar and Saw Chain• Check that the cutting attachment, guide bar, and saw chain is firmlyattached and in safe operating condition.• Use only one Echo-approved extension on the pruner.• Do not hit rocks, stones, tree stumps, and other foreign objects withthe saw chain.• Do not cut into the ground with the saw chain.• If cutting attachment end strikes an obstruction, stop engine immedi-ately and inspect saw chain for damage.• Do not operate with a dull, fractured, or discolored saw chain.• Remove all foreign objects from work area.• Always cover the guide bar and saw chain with guide bar coverduring transportation and for storage.