11Final Welding: After spot welding all rack sections,move the gate from the fully closed to the fully openposition several times. Make sure that the rack runssmoothly along the center of the pinion. If the rack andpinion operate smoothly, finish welding the spacers tothe gate.Again, ensure smooth gate movement and thensecurely tighten the rack mounting bolts in the spacers.Remove the spot welds and shims from under themounting brackets. Secure the operator to thefoundation plate by welding the operator mountingbrackets to the plate.Connecting theElectrical PowerWARNING! Turn the main power off before youmake any electrical connections or set anyswitches on the control panel.The installer is responsible for providing a powercable (with ground protected by a circuit breaker) fromthe main 220 VAC power source to the operator (seeFig. 11). All wiring should conform to applicableelectrical codes, and all wiring and fittings should beweatherproof and/or suitable for burial.(120mm)1 3/8 in.4 3/4 in.(35mm)Figure 7. Mounting the rack and pinionoperator1/16 in.(0.15 cm)Figure 8. Spot weld the mounting brackets tothe foundation plateGateSpacerBolt/WasherRackFigure 9. Installing the rack, top viewFigure 10. Use an upside down piece of rackto align the rack before weldingCaution: The operator is grounded only be thegrounded circuit the installer provides.Connecting the electrical power to the operatorconsists of simply connecting the 220-V power sourceto the 746 MPS control panel. The motor and capacitorhave been connected to the control panel terminalblocks by the factory.Connect the main 220-VAC input power to theterminals labeled L and N (see Fig. 12 and 13) onterminal block J7. Do not turn on the main power yet.Connect all reversing devices in series to terminals 4and 1. To operate, they must be normally closed. If noreversing devices are installed, then you must install ajumper between terminals 4 and 1 for the operator towork properly.Connect all stop devices in series to terminals 1 and 3.To operate, they must be normally closed. If no stopdevice is installed, then you must install a jumperbetween terminals 1 and 3 for the operator to workproperly.Connect all activating (input signal) devices in parallelto terminals 1 and 2 (you must install at least oneactivating device). Each device must be normally opento activate the gate. An activating device momentarilycloses the switch to activate the operator.