AC POWER CONNECTIONTo connect AC power to the controller:1. Turn the circuit breaker for the AC gate operator power OFFbefore connecting the AC input wires.2. Turn OFF the Power Switch located on the left side of enclo-sure before connecting the AC input wires.3. Connect the AC input wires to the AC terminal located on thetop left of the control box. See diagram below.4. Batteries must be installed after the AC power is on. SeeBattery Power Connection.115V 60Hz 2.5AThe E024U board is powered by a high efficiency switching powersupply that takes 115V or 230V in input and provides 36VDC topower the board. The power supply is preset for 115V at the fac-tory, consult with FAAC Tecnical Support for 230V wiring options.230V115VThe E024U board allows the connection of a 24V backup bat-tery to provide power to operate the gate during blackouts. Formore details about how the boards handles the loss of mainpower and how to configure its behaviour please see par 4.3and DS1 switch 7.To connect the battery use the provided cable and plug it on theBATTERY connector on the board. Plug the other end of thecable to the batteries, red wire to +24 and black wire to GND.SETTING+DL 1 DL 2 DL 3 DL 4 DL 5J24SETTING+DL 1 DL 2 DL 3 DL 4 DL 5J24SETTING+J24To disable the battery charger unplug jumper J24J24 PRESENT = BATTERY CHARGING ACTIVEJ24 NOT PRESENT = BATTERY CHARGING NOT ACTIVE9. BACKUP BATTERY8.1 POWER SUPPLY9.1 DISABLE THE BATTERY CHARGERA14 E024U CONTROL BOARD