10Browning elementThis function uses the element in thetop of the oven only. It is a useful functionfor the browning or finishing of pasta dishes,vegetables in sauce and lasagne, the item to bebrowned being already hot before switching tothe top element.Base heatThis function uses the base element only. Itwill crisp up your pizza or quiche base or finishoff cooking the base of a pastry case on a lowershelf. It is also a gentle heat, good for slowcooking of casseroles in the middle of the ovenor for plate warming.The Browning and Base heat functions areuseful additions to your oven, giving youflexibility to finish off items to perfection. Withuse, you will soon realise how these functionscan combine to extend your cooking skills.The Right Hand OvenThe fan in the right hand oven circulates hot aircontinuously, which means faster more evencooking.The recommended cooking temperatures fora fanned oven are generally lower than a non-fanned oven.Both OvensBefore using for the first time, to dispelmanufacturing odours turn the ovens to 230°Cand run for an hour. To clear the smell makesure the room is well ventilated to the outsideair, by opening windows for example.Please remember that all cookers vary -temperatures in your new Falcon ovens maydiffer to those in your previous cooker.The wire shelves should always be pushedfirmly to the back of the oven.Baking trays meat tins etcetera should beplaced level centrally on the oven’s wireshelves. Keep all trays and containers awayfrom the sides of the oven, as overbrowning ofthe food may occur.For even browning, themaximum recommendedsize of a baking tray is340mm by 340mm.Cooking high moisturecontent foods can createa ‘steam burst’, when theoven door is opened. Whenopening the oven standwell back and allow anysteam to disperse.When the oven is on, don’t leave the door openfor longer than necessary, otherwise the knobsmay get very hot.Always leave a ‘fingers width’ between disheson the same shelf; this allows the heat tocirculate freely around them.The Cook & Clean oven liners (see Cleaningyour cooker) work better when fat splashes areavoided. Cover meat when cooking.To reduce fat splashing when you addvegetables to hot fat around a roast, dry themthoroughly or brush lightly with cooking oil.Sufficient heat rises out of the ovenwhile cooking to warm plates in the grillcompartment.If you want to brown the base of a pastry dish,preheat a baking tray for 15 minutes beforeplacing the dish in the centre of the tray.Where dishes may boil and spill over duringcooking, place them on a baking tray.SteamWhen cooking foods with high water content(e.g. oven chips) there may be some steamvisible at the grille at the rear of the hotplate.This is perfectly normal.The Oven shelvesThere are 4 standard oven selves and 1 dropshelf.