installation instructionsm CONNECTTHETUBINGTOTHEREFRIGERATOR(CONT.)Some models have the refrigerator co:mection at theend of robing located outside the compressorcompartment access cover. On other models, thecompressor coillpartillellt access cover i1]ust be removedin order to access the refrigerator com:ection at thewater valve.On models using the refrigerauon com:ection at thewater valve, remove the plastic flexible cap.©Place the compression nut and ferrule (sleeve) onto theend of the robing as shown. On a GE SmartCom:ect _'Refrigerator Tubing kit, the m:tsare alrea@ asse:nbled to the robing.Insert the end of the robing into the refrigeratorconnection as far as possible. While holding the robing,tighten the fitting.For plastic tubing from a GE SmartConnect"Refrigerator Tubing kit, insert the molded end of thetubing into the refrigerator connection and tighten thecompression nut until it is hand tight, then tighten oneadditional turn with a wrench. Overtightening maycause leaks.Fasten the tubing into the clamp provided as shown tokeep it in position. You may need to pry open theclamp.One of the illustrations below will look like theconnection on your refrigerator.TubingClamp1/4"CompressionNut1/4"TubingFerrule(sleeve)BeMgerator SmartConnecf_'Cannection TubingJ-_CONNECTTHE TUBING TO THEREFRIGERATOR(CONT.)Tubing 1/4"Clamp CJmpression_utFerrule(sleeve)RefrigeratorCannectionJ-_TURN THE WATERON AT THE SHUTOFFVALVETighten anycom:ections that leak.Reattach the access cover.PLUG INTHE REFRIGERATORArrange the coil of tubing so that it does not vibrateagainst the back of the refrigerator or against the wall.Push the refrigerator back to the wall.STARTTHE ICElVlAKERSlide the icemaker power switch to the ONposition. Theicelnaker will not begin to operate until it reaches itsoperating telnperature of 15°F (-9°C) or belo_xcIt willthen begin operation autolnatically if the icelnakerpower switch is in the 0Nposition.13