7-8 489 Generator Management Relay GE Multilin7.2 HARDWARE FUNCTIONAL TESTS 7 TESTING70 to 1 mA ANALOG INPUTS:1. Alter the following setpoints:S11 ANALOG I/O ÖØ ANALOG INPUT1 Ö ANALOG INPUT1: "0-1 mA"S11 ANALOG I/O ÖØ ANALOG INPUT1 ÖØ ANALOG INPUT1 MINIMUM: "0"S11 ANALOG I/O ÖØ ANALOG INPUT1 ÖØ ANALOG INPUT1 MAXIMUM: "1000" (repeat for Analog Inputs 2 to 4)2. Analog output values should be ±0.01 mA on the ammeter. Measured analog input values should be ±10 units. Forcethe analog outputs using the following setpoints:S12 TESTING ÖØ TEST ANALOG OUTPUT Ö FORCE ANALOG OUTPUTS FUNCTION: "Enabled"S12 TESTING ÖØ TEST ANALOG OUTPUT ÖØ ANALOG OUTPUT 1 FORCED VALUE: "0%" (enter %, repeat for Outputs 2 to 4)Verify the ammeter readings as well as the measured analog input readings. View the measured values in:A2 METERING DATA ÖØ ANALOG INPUTS7.2.9 OUTPUT RELAYSTo verify the functionality of the output relays, perform the following steps:1. Using the setpoint:S12 TESTING ÖØ TEST OUTPUT RELAYS ÖØ FORCE OPERATION OF RELAYS: "R1 Trip"select and store values as per the table below, verifying operationThe R6 Service relay is failsafe or energized normally. Operating R6 causes it to de-energize.ANALOGOUTPUTFORCEVALUEEXPECTEDAMMETERREADINGMEASURED AMMETER READING(MA)EXPECTEDANALOG INPUTREADINGMEASURED ANALOG INPUTREADING (UNITS)1 2 3 4 1 2 3 40% 0 mA 0 units25% 0.25 mA 250 units50% 0.50 mA 500 units75% 0.75 mA 750 units100% 1.00 mA 1000 unitsFORCEOPERATIONSETPOINTEXPECTED MEASUREMENT( FOR SHORT)ACTUAL MEASUREMENT( FOR SHORT)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6NO NC NO NC NO NC NO NC NO NC NO NC NO NC NO NC NO NC NO NC NO NC NO NCR1 Trip R2 Auxiliary R3 Auxiliary R4 Auxiliary R5 Alarm R6 Service All Relays No Relays NOTE