9393Model name A1035 A1235Number of RecordingPixels : Still Image10MP, 9MP(3:2), 9MP, 8MP, 7MP(16:9), 5MP,3MP, 0.3MP12MP, 10MP(3:2), 10MP, 9MP(16:9), 8MP,5MP, 3MP, 0.3MPNumber of Re-cordingPixels :Movie640x480pixels: 30fps/15fps,320x240pixels: 30fps/15fpsImage Compression Best, Fine, NormalDCF, DPOF (Ver1.1)Support YesFile Format : Still Image Exif 2.2 (JPEG)File Format : Movie Quick Time Motion JPEG, Audio: G.711 [Monaural]File Format : Audio WAVE [Monaural] (Max 60 seconds)Shooting ModesAuto, Manual, ASCN, Image Stabilization, Movie, Scene (Sport, Children, Indoor, Leaf,Snow, Sunset, Fireworks, Glass, Museum, Landscape, Night Landscape, Night Portrait,Portrait), PanoramaSmile Detection YesBlink Detection YesFace-Detection Yes