B30 Patient Monitor1-14Document no. 2044677-0012.3 Distributed processingThis is a multiprocessor system. All parameter modules have their own microprocessor, whichperforms functions such as module key control, waveform filtering, parameter relatedcomputing and pneumatic control, etc. At the same time the main CPU performs higher leveltasks such as trending and alarm control. While the parameter modules and CPU areperforming their tasks, the UPI (Universal Peripheral Interface) microprocessor handles allfunctions needed to transfer data between the parameter modules and the CPU.This kind of parallel processing gives one major advantage to centralized processing. Whennew parameter modules are added to the system, the processing power is increased. As aresult, the system does not slow down when new features are added.2.4 Module communicationThe communication master controlling data transfers between the CPU and parametermodules is called UPI processor. It sends data to each connected module 100 times a second.Modules respond to each data request immediately by sending a data package, whose lengthdepends on the type of the module. This communication protocol ensures that each modulereceives and sends data every 10 ms. If a module does not respond to data requests, the UPIprocessor presumes that the module is disconnected.Parameter modules may hold a static (fixed) or dynamic address, which the UPI processor useswhen sending out data. Two parameter modules of the same type must not be fitted onto thesame monitor since they might reply to a data request simultaneously, thus causingcommunication errors.Figure 3 Principle of UPI section operationThe UPI processor collects and stores all data that is received from the parameter modules intoa shared SRAM, which is mapped directly to the address space of the main CPU. The main CPUreads data from the memory while the UPI processor guarantees that the data is up to date.This operation also works in the other direction. In this the main CPU fills the shared SRAM withdata and the UPI processor distributes it to the parameter modules.PCI Bus ControlLogicSharedSRAMVoltageMeasTempMeasModule BusAnalog & Digital outputsComWheel InterfaceKeypad InterfaceUPIProcessor