3737Still MenuUSING THE MENUSMode:In any of the above Still Picture Modes, press the button togo to the Still Picture menu.To adjust each setting:1. In the Still Picture menu, switch between different PhotoSetup or Camera Setup pages using the Left/Right button,to select the page with the function you want to adjustand press the Down button.2. Press the Up/Down buttons to select the function.3. Press the Right button to go to the submenu.4. Press Up/Down button to select an option or press the Leftor button to return to the menu.5. Press the button for confirmation and exit the menu.After selecting a function, you can press the Up buttonto return to the Still Picture menu for other Photo Setupor Camera Setup pages. Or you can press the Downbutton several times to move to the next setup menupage.Refer to the following pages for more details about eachsetting.