GE CAF16 Use And Care Manual
Also see for CAF16 Series: Use and care
(continued) -WNW3RTANT..=FVease ReadCarefullyWe ofadapter plugBecause of potential ‘safetyhazardsunder certain conditions, we stronglyrecommend against’useof an adapterplug, However, if you still elect to usean adapter,where local codes permit,aTEMPORARY CONNECTION maybe made toa properly groundedtwo-prong wall receptacle by use ofa UL listed adapter (Fig. 2) availableat most local hardware stores.TEMPORARYMETHOD “(ADAPTER PLUGS NOTPERMITTED IN CANADA) -The Iargerslot in the ada~ter must bealigned-with the larger slot in the wallreceptacle to provide proper polarityin the connection of the power cord.CAUTION: Attaching adapterground terminal to wall receptaclecover screw does not ground theappliance unless cover screw ismetal, and not insulated, and wallreceptacle is grounded throughhouse wiring. Customer shouldhave the circuit checked by a qual-ified electrician to make sure thereceptacle is properly grounded.When disconnectingthe powercord from the adapter, always holdthe adapter with one hand. If thisis not done, the adapter groundterminal is very likely to breakwith repeated use.Should the adapter groundterminal break, DO NOT USE theappliance until a proper groundhas again been established.Wed extensioncordsBecause of potential safety hazardsunder certain conditions,we stronglyrecommend against the use of anextension cord. However,if you stillelect to use an extensioncord, it isabsolutely necessarythat it be a LJLlisted3-wiregroundingtypeapplianceextension cord having a groundingtype plug and outlet and that theelectrical rating of the cord be 15amperes (minimum) and 120volts.Such extensioncords are obtainablethroughyourlocalserviceorganization.The freezer slmdcfaiwaysbe pluggedinto itsownindividualelectricaloutlet—(115volt, 60 Hertz, single phaseAC.Some models are also rated IOOvolt,50 Hertz. Check the model and serialnumber p!ate.)This is recommended for best perfor-mance and to prevent overloadinghouse wiring circuits, which couldcause a possible fire hazard fromoverheating wires.Freezer InstallationLocationFor most efficient operation, yourfreezer should not be located whereair temperature around the freezeris ever higher than 1lO° F,or colderthan 32°17Upright freezers take approxi-mate y half the floor space requiredfor chest type freezers and there-fore can more readily be placed inyour kitchen. A location next to therefrigerator often is ideal, with therefrigerator on the side nearer thesink and range.Be sure to install your freezer ona floor strong enough to support itwhen it is fuily loaded.Also see Energy-Saving Tipsregarding location.Allow 4 inches on top and 3 inchesat sides and back for proper aircirculation.AdjustableLegsTurn left to raise-Legs at the front corners of thefreezer should beset so the freezeris firml y positioned on the floor, andthe front is raised just enough sothe door closes easily when openedabout halfway.Freezer1. Clean the inside of the freezerwith a mild solution of baking sodaand water (see page 9).2. Connectcord to power outlet.3. Turn temperature control toNo. 4. This is the normal settingfor safe long-term freezing. Forcolder temperatures, turn tohigher numbers,4. Allow freezer to operate for atleast two hours before placing foodinside.Twnperatwe ControloFreezing temperature selection ismade by setting control from No. 1to No, 6 PIUS “COLDEST.” —oNormalsafefreezing level is ob- $&itained bysettingthecontrol at No.4. -OFF positionpermitsturning freezeroff without unplugging it.2 |
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