GE CAF16 Use And Care Manual
Also see for CAF16 Series: Use and care
DairyIProductsButterand MargarineOverwraporiginal carton in moisture/vapor-proofmaterialor enclose inmoisture/vapor-proofcontainers,cheeseFreezecheese in % to l-poundpieces.Wrapin moisture/vapor-proofmaterial. Uncreamedcottage andCamembertcheese may be kept inthe freezer though there maybesomewater separationon thawing.Creamand processedcheese do not freezewell as freezing affects their smoothtexture.creamOrdinary householdcream for tableuse does not freeze well, but will besuitablefor cooking.Pasteurizedheavycream containing not lessthan 40 percent butterfat may be frozen. Heavycreamwhichhasbeenwhippedfreezeswell, too. Drop mounds of whippedIE@adand Rollscreamon bakingsheets.Freeze.Trans-fer frozen moundsquickly to a rigidcontainer and seal,separatinglayerswith CreamCommercialice creamscan be storedin the freezer in their original carton.Home-made ice cream should bepackedin moisture/vapor-proofcar-tons. For bestresults,placeice creamin the interior of the freezer ratherthan on the door shelves.Fine-qualityicecream,withhighcreamcontent, will normally require slightlylowertemperaturesthan“airy”already-packagedbrandswith low creamcon-tent. Experimentto determine thelocation in the freezer [the rear isslightly colder than the front) and thetemperature control setting to keepyour favorite ice creamat the rightserving temperature.Bake, cool, wrap and freeze. Toserve:thaw in wrappingsat room tempera-ture. Or,heator toastfrozen. If desired,wrap in foil and warm for 15minutes in250° to 300° F oven. Note.’most com-mercially baked products should berewrapped in moisture/vapor-proofmaterial before freezing.i3ism.4itsMay be frozen baked or unbaked.Toserve baked biscuits: defrost in wrap-pings at room temperature for onehour. Reheat for 5 minutes in 425°Foven. Or place frozen biscuits in 375*Foven for 15 minutes. Unbakedbiscuitsshould be thawed,then bakedasusual.cakeBakeand cool. If frosted, freeze beforewrapping to avoid sticking. Toserve:unwrap frosted cakes; thaw at roomtemperature. Thaw unfrosted cakes inwrappings at room temperature. Allowabout two hours to thaw a large cake.Icings made with egg white do notfreeze satisfactorily. Those made withpowdered sugar, butter, fudge orwhipped cream freeze well.If baked before freezing, cool andpackage them carefully in moisture/vapor-proofmaterial.They will thaw inabout15minutesat roomtemperaturein wrappings. Refrigerator cookiedough may be wrapped and frozen inbars.Slice asneeded,withoutdefrost-ing, and bake.PiesMost pies except cream, custard ormeringue-topped pies freeze well,baked or unbaked. Baked pies storefor a longer time. Omit steamventsfrom pies to be frozen unbaked.To serve unbaked pies: Cut steamvents in top crust and placefrozen piein oven at usualtemperature. Increasebaking time 10to 15 minutes. Thawfrozen baked pies, wrapped, for 1 tof% hours at room temperature.‘O.serve warm, unwrap without thawingand heat in 300°F oven for 30 to 40minutes.QUiC~ ~r~ac!~ a~cl IVMfinsBake, cool and wrap at once. Forserving, thaw, unwrapped,at roomtemperature or warm, unwrapped, in300*F oven.DishesSuch foods as chili, spaghetti sauce,casseroles, etc., are prepared in thesamemannerasfor immediate servingwith the exceptionof seasoning.DuringEggsUseonly fresh eggsfor freezing.Chillbefore freezing.Wholeeggs may befrozen or the whites andyolks frozenseparatelyasfollows:Whole Eggs-Mix yolks and whitesthoroughlywith a fork. Do not beat inair. Add 1teaspoonsaltto each2 CUPSof eggs.Egg Whites--Separateand freeze inrecipe-sizedamounts.Egg Yolks-Separate and add 1 tea-spoonof salt or 1tablespoonof cornsyrupor sugarper cupful of yolks.Blend with fork.Packeggs in freezer carton allowing~2-inchheadspace(17z-inchfOr91asscontainers).Thaweggs in unopenedcontainer in refrigerator or at,onion flavor becomeslessnoticeable and celery flavor morepronounced.Spices also lose theirstrength during long periods of stor-age.Omit potatoesfrom stews andsoupsasthey become mushy.Cool main dishesafter cooking; pack-age in moisture/vapor-proof materialandfreeze.Toserve thesefoods,thawgradually over low heat adding a littleliquid if necessaryto prevent foodsfrom sticking to the pan. Or heat in a300°F oven for about 1 hour or untilheated thoroughly.SandwichTipsAll varieties of breadscan be frozen.Spread softened butter on each slice,then spread filling. It is not advisableto use salad dressingsfor spreadingastheyseparateandsoakintothe bread.Meat, fish, somecheeses,poultry andpeanutbutterare recommendedfillingsfor freezing. Cooked eggs becometough when frozen. Other fillings canbe moistened with milk, cream, picklerelish, chili sauce, catsup, fruit juice,a little mayonnaiseor salad dressing.Lettuce or other saladgreens and rawvegetables do not freeze well andshould be added just before serving.Wrap sandwiches in moisture/vapor-proof material and freeze.7 Part No. 468313P04 |
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