29-618411USING THE RANGE: Cookware for Induction CooktopCookware for Induction Cooktop (Cont.)Cookware not centered oncooking element surface.Curved or warped pan bottomsor sides.Pan does not meet the minimumsize required for the cookingelement used.Cookware centered correctlyon cooking element surface.Flat pan bottom.Pan size meets or exceeds therecommended minimum sizefor the cooking element used.INCORRECT CORRECTPan bottom rests on cooktoptrim or does not rest completelyon the cooktop surface.Heavy handle tilts pan.Pan is partially magneticon the bottom.Pan is completely magneticon the bottom.Pan bottom rests completely onthe cooktop surface.Pan is properly balanced.Cookware recommendationsCookware must fully contact the surface of the cookingelement.Use flat-bottomed pans sized to fit the cooking elementand also to the amount of food being prepared.Induction interface disks are NOT recommended.