About the microwave cooking features.Humidity SensorThe Sensor Features detect the increasing humidity released during cooking. The oven automaticallyadjusts the cooking time to various types and amounts of food.'RQRWXVHWKH6HQVRU)HDWXUHVWZLFHLQVXFFHVVLRQRQWKHVDPHIRRGSRUWLRQ³LWPD\UHVXOWLQseverely overcooked or burnt food. If food is undercooked after the countdown, use Time Cook foradditional cooking time. The proper containers and covers are essential for best sensor cooking. Always use microwave-safe containers and cover them with lids or vented plastic wrap. NeverXVHWLJKWVHDOLQJSODVWLFFRQWDLQHUV³WKH\FDQSUHYHQWVWHDPIURPHVFDSLQJDQGFDXVHIRRGWRovercook. Be sure the outside of the cooking containers and the inside of the microwave oven are dry beforeplacing food in the oven. Beads of moisture turning into steam can mislead the sensor.Dry off dishes so they don’tmislead the sensor.VentedCoveredSensor CookTo use the Sensor Cook IHDWXUH1 Press the SENSOR COOK button to selectFood code.2 Press START.SensorCookFood Press padthis numberof timesWeight/PortionPotato 1 1-4 Pcs, 8-10 Oz./PcsFresh Vegetables 2 1-4 Cup, 250 ml/CupFrozen Vegetables 3 1-4 Cup, 240 ml/CupGround Meat 4 4-32 OzFish 5 4-24 Oz.About the microwave cooking features.12