When “SET” is pressed the display shows the set-point memory that is cur-rently being used and its value. Eight set-point memories are available.S Access set-point selection1. 25.0 Set-point 1, 25.0°C currently usedPress “SET” to select this memory and access the set-point value.S Access set-point valueC 25.00 Current value of set-point 1, 25.00°CPress “UP” or “DOWN” to change the set-point value.U Increment displayC 30.00 New set-point valuePress SET to accept the new value. The bath begins heating or cooling to thenew set-point.S Store new set-pointPress “EXIT” and the bath temperature will be displayed again.E Return to the temperature display24.73 C Bath temperature displayThe bath heats or cools until it reaches the new set-point temperature. Turn offthe cooling to reach and control at higher temperatures.When setting the set-point temperature be careful not to exceed the temperaturelimit of the bath fluid.To obtain optimum control stability adjust the proportional band as discussed inSection 9.6.154 Quick Start