The Problem SolverComponent Cooktop System29Questions?Use thisproblemsolver!PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSECOMPONENTS • Difficulty may be in the main distribution panel of your house causedARE NOT by a blown circuit fuse, a tripped circuit breaker, the main fuse or theFUNCTIONING main circuit breaker, depending on the nature of the power supply.PROPERLY If a circuit breaker is involved, reset it. If the control box uses fuses,the circuit fuse (a cartridge-type) should be changed, BUT ONLYBY SOMEONE FAMILIAR WITH ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS.If, after performing one of these procedures, the fuse blows or circuitbreaker trips again, call for service.NOTE: Apartment tenants or condominium owners should requesttheir building management perform this check before calling forservice.• Controls are not properly set or wrong control is set for the componentor surface unit you are using.• Grill element is not plugged in properly.• Consider the possibility of interruption in gas or electric service fromthe utility source.HALOGEN/RADIANT • You must use pans which are absolutely flat. If light can be seenSURFACE UNITS between the pan bottom and a straight edge, the halogen/radiantWILL NOT MAINTAIN surface units will not transfer heat properly.A ROLLING BOIL OR • Pan bottoms should closely match the diameter of the surface unitFRYING RATE IS NOT selected.FAST ENOUGHHALOGEN/RADIANT • The halogen/radiant cooktop may seem hotter than you are used to.COOKTOP FEELS HOT This is normal.• Make sure flat-bottomed pans are used.• Using the vent will help keep the halogen/radiant cooktop cooler.FOODS COOK • Improper cookware being used. Pan bottoms should be flat, fairlySLOWLY ON heavy weight and the same diameter as the surface unit selected.HALOGEN/RADIANTCOOKTOPTINY SCRATCHES • Incorrect cleaning methods have been used, cookware with rough(may appear as cracks) bottoms have been used or coarse particles (salt or sand) wereOR ABRASIONS ON between the cookware and the surface of cooktop. Use recommendedHALOGEN/RADIANT cleaning procedures, be sure cookware bottoms and cookware areCOOKTOP GLASS clean before use and use cookware with smooth bottoms. TinySURFACE scratches are not removable but will become less visible in time as aresult of cleaning.METAL MARKINGS • Do not slide aluminum cookware across the surface. Use the(may appear as scratches recommended cleaning procedure to remove marks.on halogen/radiant • Incorrect cleaning materials have been used, encrusted boilovers orcooktop glass surface) grease spatters remain on the surface. Use a razor scraper and therecommended cleaning procedure.