6-6 D30 LINE DISTANCE PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSTATUS CHAPTER 6: ACTUAL VALUES66.2.11 Digital countersACTUAL VALUES STATUS DIGITAL COUNTERS DIGITAL COUNTERS Counter 1(8)The present status of the eight digital counters displays here. The status of each counter, with the user-defined countername, includes the accumulated and frozen counts (the count units label also appears). Also included, is the date and timestamp for the frozen count. The COUNTER 1 MICROS value refers to the microsecond portion of the time stamp.6.2.12 Selector switchesACTUAL VALUES STATUS SELECTOR SWITCHESThe display shows both the current position and the full range. The current position only (an integer from 0 through 7) is theactual value.6.2.13 Flex statesACTUAL VALUES STATUS FLEX STATESThere are 256 FlexStateTM bits available. The second line value indicates the state of the given FlexState bit.6.2.14 EthernetACTUAL VALUES STATUS ETHERNETThese values indicate the status of the first, second, and third Ethernet links. DIGITAL COUNTERS Counter 1 Counter 1 ACCUM:0 Counter 1 FROZEN:0 Counter 1 FROZEN:YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS Counter 1 MICROS:0 SELECTOR SWITCHES SELECTOR SWITCH 1POSITION: 0/7Range: Current Position / 7 SELECTOR SWITCH 2POSITION: 0/7Range: Current Position / 7 FLEX STATES PARAM 1: OffOffRange: On, Off PARAM 256: OffOffRange: On, Off ETHERNET ETHERNET PRI LINKSTATUS: FailRange: Fail, OK ETHERNET SEC LINKSTATUS: FailRange: Fail, OK ETHERNET TRD LINKSTATUS: FailRange: Fail, OK