Installation InstructionsEXHAUSTING THE DRYER-A WARNING - Toreducetherisk of fire or personal injury:• This dryer must be exhausted to the outdoors.• Use only metal duct.• Do not terminate exhaust into a chimney, anygas vent, under an enclosed floor, in a crawlspace, wall, ceiling, into an attic or otherconcealed space of a building. The accumulatedlint could create a fire hazard.• Provide an access for inspection and cleaningof the exhaust system, especially at turns.Inspect and clean at least once a gear.• Never terminate the exhaust into a commonduct with a kitchen exhaust. A combinationof lint and grease could create a fire hazard.• Do not obstruct incoming or exhausted air.• This drger comes ready for rear exhausting.If space is limited, use the instructionson pages 28-31 to exhaust directlyfrom the sides or bottom of the cabinet.TOOLS AND MATERIALS YOU WILLNEED TO INSTALL EXHAUST DUCT[] Phillips-head screwdriver[] Duct tape or duct clamp[] Drill with 1/8" drill bit(for bottom venting)[]Hacksaw[] Rigid or UL-listed flexiblemetal 4" (10.2 cm) duct[]Venth00dEXHAUST SYSTEM CHECKLISTHOOD OR WALL CAP• Terminate in a manner to prevent back drafts orentry of birds or other wildlife.• Termination should present minimal resistance tothe exhaust airflow and should require little or nomaintenance to prevent clogging.• Never install a screen in or over the exhaust duct.• Wall caps must be installed at least 12" aboveground level or any other obstruction with theopening pointed down.• If roof vents or Iouvered plenums are used, theymust be equivalent to a 4" dampened wall cap inregard to resistance to airflow, prevention of backdrafts and maintenance required to preventclogging.SEPARATION OF TURNS• For best performance, separate all turns byat least/4 ft. of straight duct, including distancebetween last turn and dampened wall cap.For turns less than/4 ft. apart, see the DuctingComponent Equivalency Chart.SEALING OF JOINTS• All joints should be tight to avoid leaks. The maleend of each section of duct must point awayfrom the dryer.• Do not assemble the ductwork with fastenersthat extend into the duct. They will serve asa collection point for lint.• Duct joints should be made air- andmoisture-tight by wrapping the overlappedjoints with duct tape or aluminum tape.• Horizontal runs should slope down towardsoutdoors 1//4" per foot.INSULATION• Ductwork that runs through an unheated areaor is near air conditioning should be insulatedto reduce condensation and lint buildup.23