ge.comPROBLEM Possible Causes What To DoTime Remaining The estimated time mag change • This is normal.jumped to a when a smaller load than usuallower number is dryingCannot make a The DRYNESSLEVEL,TEMP • This is normal.selection and the or OPTIONthat gou aredryer beeps twice trgJng to select is incompatiblewith the chosen drg cgcleDryer is running but The EXTENDTUMBLE • This is normal. During extended tumbling, the timeO0is displayed in option was chosen remaining is not displaged. The extended tumblingTime Remaining option lasts approximatelg 20 minutes.Clean Lint Filter lmessage) POWERbutton was activated • PressSTART/PAUSEto begin a drg cgcle and the messagewill disappear.Dryer doesn't heat Fuse is blown/circuit breaker • Check the building'sfuse/circuit breaker box andis tripped; the drger mag tumble replace both fuses or reset both breakers.Your drgerbut not heat mag tumble if onlg one fuse is blown or one breakertripped.Gas service is off • Hake sure gas shutoff at drger and main shutoff arefullg open.LP gas supplg tank is emptg • Refillor replace tank. Drger should heat when utilitgor there has been a utilitg service is restored.interruption of natural gas(gas models)Inconsistent drying times Tgpe of heat • Drging time will varg according to the tgpe of heat used.If gou recentlg changed from an electric to a gas(natural or LP)drger, or vice versa, the drging timecould be different.Tgpe of load and • The load size,tgpes of fabric, wetness of clothes and thedrging conditions length and condition of the exhaust sgstem will affectdrging times.Glow at the rear Heaters behind the drum • This is normal. Under certain drging conditions andof the drum room ambient lighting, the glow of the heaters mag bevisible at the rear of the drum.Clothes are still wet The door was opened mid-cgcle. • A drg cgcle must be reselected each time a new loadand dryer shut off The load was then removed from is put in.after a short time the drger and a new load put inwithout selecting a new cgcleSmall load • When drging 3 items or less,choose SPEEDDRYorTIMED DRY.Load was alreadg drg except • Choose SPEEDDRYor TIMED DRYto drg damp collarsfor collars and waistbands and waistbands. In the future, when drging a load withcollars and waistbands, choose MOREDRY.Drger is not level • Hove drger to an even floor space or adjust leveling legsas necessarg until even.Clothes are wrinkled Overdrging • Select a shorter drging time.• Removeitems while theg still hold a slight amount ofmoisture. Select a LESSDRY or DAMP setting.Letting items sit in drger after • Removeitems when cgcle ends and fold or hangcgcle ends immediatelg, or use the EXTENDTUMBLEoption.Overloading • Separate large loads into smaller ones. 47