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v9ProductSummary The Dialog ™ Telephone Interface Module (DTIM) is a battery operated communication linkbetween the security system control panel and the central monitoring station. The DTIMreceives radio signals from the panel, then uses the phone line to report security system events tothe central monitoring station.The DTIM provides added security by separating the telephone interface from the panel. If thepanel is damaged during a break-in or fire, the DTIM can still report to the central monitoringstation.The DTIM is a supervised device that transmits supervisory signals every hour for the panel toreceive. When the battery is low, the module transmits a low battery signal.NoteThe DTIM does not have a backup power supply. Therefore, the battery must be replaced within 7 dayswhen a low battery condition occurs to ensure that system events can be reported. If the battery isallowed to completely drain, the panel identifies the DTIM as being in a supervisory (non-working)state, which prevents system events from being reported.Tools and Supplies Needed• Phillips screwdriver• Mounting Hardware (included)• Ty-wrap and Cover Screw for UL Listed installations (included)Installation This section describes guidelines for installing the DTIM, programming, testing, mounting, andphone line connections.Installation Guidelines• Before permanently mounting to a wall, test the DTIM from the desired location to ensurecommunication with the panel. This means you must first add (learn) the DTIM into panelmemory, then perform a sensor test.• Mount the module within 100 feet of the panel, but not closer than 10 feet to another DTIMor the panel.• Always mount the DTIM in the upright vertical position.• The DTIM can be connected to a standard analog (loop-start) phone line, with or withoutdigital subscriber line (DSL) service.NoteThe DTIM cannot be used on digital or PBX phone lines, which are designed only for digital typedevices that operate anywhere from 5 volts DC and up. The DTIM uses an analog modem and doesnot have a digital converter, adapter, or interface to operate with such systems.• When connecting the DTIM to the phone line, it is recommended that you install an RJ-31Xjack (CA-38A in Canada) ahead of all phones and other devices on the line for full line sei-zure. This allows the DTIM to take control of the phone line when an alarm occurs, even ifthe phone is in use or off-hook. It also provides customers with a quick disconnect in case theDTIM malfunctions, allowing them to use their phone.• For UL Listed installations, mount the RJ-31X jack within 5 feet of the DTIM.9pr Iir
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