5• Never use the cooktop as a cutting board.• Never wear loose-fitting or hanging garmentswhile using the appliance. Be careful whenreaching for items stored in cabinets over thecooktop. Flammable material could be ignitedif brought in contact with flame or hotsurfaces and may cause severe burns.• For your safety, never use your appliance forwarming or heating the room.• Do not use water on grease fires. Never pickup a flaming pan. Turn the controls off.Smother a flaming pan on a surface burner bycovering the pan completely with a well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or flat tray. Use amulti-purpose dry chemical or foam-type fireextinguisher.Flaming grease outside a pan can be putout by covering it with baking soda or, ifavailable, by using a multi-purpose drychemical or foam-type fire extinguisher.• Do not store flammable materials near thecooktop. Do not store or use gasoline orother flammable vapors and liquids in thevicinity of this or any other appliance.• Do not let cooking grease or other flammablematerials accumulate on or near the cooktop.• Never leave surface burners unattended athigh flame settings. Boilovers cause smokingand greasy spillovers that may catch on fire.• Adjust surface burner flame size so it doesnot extend beyond the edge of the cookware.Excessive flame is hazardous.• Use only dry pot holders—moist or damp potholders on hot surfaces may result in burnsfrom steam. Do not let pot holders come nearopen flames when lifting cookware. Do notuse a towel or other bulky cloth in place of apot holder.• To minimize the possibility of burns, ignitionof flammable materials and spillage, turncookware handles toward the side or centerof the cooktop without extending overadjacent burner or vent area.• Always turn the surface burners to off beforeremoving the cookware.• Foods for frying should be as dry as possible.Frost on frozen foods or moisture on freshfoods can cause hot fat to bubble up and overthe sides of the pan.• Use least possible amount of fat for effectiveshallow or deep fat frying. Filling the pan toofull of fat can cause spillovers when food isadded.• Carefully watch foods being fried at highflame setting.• If a combination of oils or fats will be used infrying, stir together before heating, or as fatsmelt slowly.• Always heat fat slowly, and watch as it heats.• Use a deep fat thermometer wheneverpossible to prevent overheating fat beyondthe smoking point.• Use proper pan size—avoid pans that areunstable or easily tipped. Select cookwarehaving flat bottoms large enough to properlycontain food and avoid boilovers andspillovers, and large enough to cover burnergrate. This will both save cleaning time andprevent hazardous accumulations of food,since heavy spattering or spillovers left oncooktop can ignite. Use pans with handlesthat can be easily grasped and remain cool.• Do not place hot cookware on the glasscooktop. This could cause glass to break.• Keep all plastics away from burners.• To avoid the possibility of a burn, always becertain that the controls for all burners are atthe off position and all grates are cool beforeattempting to remove a grate.• If the cooktop is located near a window, donot use long curtains which could blowover the burners and create a fire hazard.• If you smell gas, turn off the gas to the cooktopand call a qualified service technician. Neveruse an open flame to locate a leak.• Do not cover or block the area around thecooktop knobs. This area must be kept clearfor proper ventilation and burnerperformance.• When cooking pork, follow the directionsexactly and always cook the meat to aninternal temperature of at least 170°F. Thisassures that, in the remote possibility thattrichina may be present in the meat, it will bekilled and the meat will be safe to eat.• Do not use a wok on the cooking surface ifthe wok has a round metal ring which isplaced over the burner grate to support thewok. This ring acts as a heat trap which maydamage the burner grate and burner head.Also, it may cause the burner to workimproperly. This may cause a carbonmonoxide level above that allowed bycurrent standards, resulting in a healthhazard.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS